
Put videos on my mp3 player?????????

by  |  earlier

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i have a coby mp3 player if you want to see it and where i bought it heres the link. Also saids specifications.

so i got it and have a 36 minute video i want to put on it. I converted it with the cd it came with it specialized to convert it to format my mp3 asks for. MTv format. I converted it. From wma video ot mtv video. It said on instruction manual to drag into windows media plyer and synchronize it but when i try to it said it cannot convert the video or windows media doesnt support the format. how do i solve this problem. I called coby but they said i need to be 18 years or older but my parents dont speaki English. Help Please. (is there a nother program that puts video on mp3 players. the manual said somthing about quicktime player????)




  1. You need a converter to help you, because most of movies/videos formats are not play on mp3 player directly. I downloaded Cucusoft Ultimate Video Converter to help me at

    It's fast,easy and very wonderful. I think it is a good choose. You can download it to help you too.

    Here is a free trial link  

  2. well theirs something wrong with your converter. Try using a different program

  3. you just need a converter to help you.

    I always use cucusoft iPod video/movie converter. it is really nice.

    you can free download it and have a try.

    i hope it will be helpful to you.

  4. at the end of the video, there should be a . and then 3, 4, or 5 letters/numbers. delete these and the .

    Then, rename the video. at the end of the name, add .AMV

    Then try putting it onto your MP3 Player. I also noticed it only has 2GB space. a movie over 30 minutes will probably take up over 300 or 200 MB.

    If you need furthur help, contact me at or IM me. (You know how)

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