
Put yourself in this strange situation for fun and tell me what you would do...

by  |  earlier

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You're walking around the streets at night with some friends and they dare you to walk down a dark alleyway for twenty bucks. By the time you get halfway down the alley there's a crazy guy covered in dirt with a gun and he gives it to you. He tells you to shoot him. Then he pulls a second gun from his coat, points it at you and tells you to kill him or he'll kill you. What do you do?




  1. You are cheap. So a life is worth 20 bucks. Life is pricless, and this is out of fantasy land

  2. Fire just over his shoulder, kick the gun out of his hand and punch him. 'Cause I'm a super-ninja.  

  3. Rubbish. A guilty man is asking for an answer. d**n dump to reply. yeah, SGDog? wahahhaha..

  4. i shoot him. survival of the fittest if you say kill me or im gonna kill you what logical human being would have any second thought on saving a stranger from what is apparently innevitable, and directly threatening their own life

  5. Shoot to wound him. Take his gun. Run away and call the cops.  

  6. umm lets see

    use my secret ninja skillz to knock the gun out of his hand, give him a shower (because hes dirty of course), give him a box to live in and walk away. Then id go collect my 20 bucks, take the two guns and sell them on eBay for millions, saying they were used by britney spears.  

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