
Putting dog asleep? Im worried?

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I have a 9 month old american bulldog, he used to be playful but over the past week hes gotton very weak that he can barely even walk. today i found out he caught phenmonia, has a 2-3/6 septic heart mumur, early stages of heart disease, an enlarged symmetrical prostate gland, severe lumbar and diffuse thoracic spinal pain, and just had an absess removed from his shoulder.

i love this dog, but i dont want him to suffer anylonger.

does anyone know HOW i can help this poor dog?

would you ever put your dog asleep in a situation like this one?

please dont be mean, im going through a rough time, thanks.




  1. As someone who has had to go through something similar, i have to say yes. i know it's hard to lose a pet, even if you've only had him a short time, but it is cruel to keep him in pain. talk to your vet and see what he/she says, but my guess is that they will suggest putting him down. hope you figure out what to do and i'm sorry for what you are going through.

  2. What has your vet suggested?    I would inquire about treatments and after treatment expected life expectancy for the dog.  Find out everything you can, and then make your decision once you learn all the facts.   You may find that it would be a kinder thing to put him down then to make him endure months or years of intensive treatment that could only extend his life for an addition month or so.  Sorry you are going through this, but I'm sure you will make the right decision for your dog.

  3. I would take the dog to my vet, useually vets can fix things like this, I'd have the vet suggest. I put my dog Lola to sleep, because she had bone cancer, and the vet said that he would, so that's that!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about all your pup's health problems.  You are the only one that can make that decision.  I think all depends on the quality of life the pup would have.  If you have weighed all the options I'm sure you will come to a decision that you can live with.  I know that so many people on this sight will say that if you cannot afford proper medical care, that you shouldn't have a dog.  For the most part, I agree, but sometimes when people purchase a seemingly perfectly healthy puppy, stuff comes up that nobody would have ever anticipated.  Not everyone can afford thousands of thousands of dollars, especially in this day and age.  Go with your heart and think of the quality of life for the pup.  I know it makes things even harder when it is a young pup and not a 12 year old dog.  Follow your heart.  You will come to the right decision.  I'll pray for you.

  5. I would do what you feel is best for the dog.  Only you can make that decision.  Just make sure it's not a selfish one.  If it's obvious he's suffering, maybe it's time.  But if he's happy, wait longer and see.  Good luck.

  6. I'd say, if my dog was in mass amounts of pain, I'd put him down, just because it'd be humane, he doesn't deserve to keep living in pain just because I want him not to die.

  7. did you get him from a pet store or breeder? If you got him from a breeder you need to tell the breeder that you sold them a very sick dog. most places where you can buy dogs will replace the dog that you have bought so you can try that.

    I'm sorry but if you don't want to pay extreme bills then I would put him to sleep or take him to a shelter where they can afford to give him proper health care. Do whats best for him, poor thing. :(

  8. Perhaps you should put him to sleep.  Dogs are blessed because they do not know what life and death is, and they don't have the trauma that we have to go through when we die.  It would be a peaceful way to avoid a lot of pain that is coming.

    Humans are used to spending millions to prolong life.  The decision with a dog is often an economic one, and it is not fair to saddle a person with enormous debts by prolonging  the life of a pet that is going to be terminal.

  9. You need to ask your dog's vet to be honest with you.  It sounds as if he has so many medical issues at only 9 months old that it may be better to put him down now.  If you trust your vet, he'll be able to advise you what's best.  However, the spinal pain issue alone would probably be enough to convince me that your pup is suffering.  

  10. Have you checked with another vet for a second opinion? I would, to help give you peace of mind. If the second opinion is just as disheartening as the first. You may have to put him down.  You don't want your "baby" to suffer and watching him suffer hurts, too. If he were mine, I'd have him put to sleep. I wish you best of luck with your decision, hunny.

  11. Jesus tap dancing Christ, did you get this dog from a breeder?

    It seems like your dog has EVERY medical issue the Am. Bull dog can get. If you bought him from a breeder, check your contract, the breeder may be required to reimburse you for medical expenses.

    If your dog is in serious pain, and your vet has told you that there isn't much you can do, or you have exhausted all possible routes, the kindest thing to do is to euthanize him.

    I'm very sorry for the issues you're having, contact where ever you purchased him from, if he had brothers and sisters, try to see if they are having the same issues, if they are, its the fault of the breeder, and if the breeder didn't test the parents, its the breeders responsibility to reimburse you.

    The majority of those issues are hereditary. Once again, make efforts to contact whomever you purchased him from.  

  12. It's hard to put a pet to sleep.Is really suffering alot.If he has alot of pain I am sorry but I would put him to sleep.If has all these things but doesn't have that much pain I wouldn't put him to sleep.But I would take care of him as best as I could.I would devote all the time I could to this dog.Don't ask your vet if you should put him to sleep because it is your decision.Just ask him if you think he is suffering alot.I am so sorry about this.He will be okay.Don't worry.I hope it all turns out all alright.

  13. It depends on the situation. First off, is there nothing the vet can do to improve his condition? and if not will he be in pain for the rest of his life?

    Personally if my dog is in pain for the rest of his life and there's nothing the vet can do to help him, i guess i will have to put him down. It will be painful for me to see my dog suffer everyday. I know its going to be emotional, but i think its the right thing to do.

    But if there is hope and the vet can fix the condition of your dog, i think you shouldn't put him down.  

    Im really sorry to hear about your situation.

  14. Wow, that's alot, I usually go by what my vet says.  I think I'd put the poor think to sleep, I guess I say that, because I know I could not afford all that's going on with your poor baby.  Just the pain its spinal column alone, I'm so sorrry for you.

  15. do whatever you can if you really love him. talk to your vet!

    and if not. try to make he's last days enjoyable and remember him.

    buy him a big juicy steak.

    and just show him you love him and care

  16. i think that if there is no way that the dog can get any better that you should put it to sleep u will feel horrible but its for the best  

  17. Talk to your vet and ask if he has any chance of survival, if she says yes, then keep him alive, because he might make it. But if she says the chances are slim to none, and he's suffering, i would put him down. But be in the room with him, because he will die happy. I'm sorry for your loss, good luck :(  

  18. Oh gosh, I'm so very sorry.  I don't envy what you're going through, as I've had to go through it myself and more than once.

    This is not an easy decision, but it's one that you have to make at some point.  

    Does your dog still take an interest in playing at all?   Is he still interested in food?  Is he any pain, and if he is, can it be controlled by pain relievers to make him comfortable?

    I think that you will know the answer by looking into your dog's eyes.  That was when I knew it was time to tell my fury friend good-bye, and even then, it still wasn't easy to do.

    Read this poem and maybe it will help you make a decision.  I'm really sorry and my heart goes out to you.  I wish you the best of luck and will keep you  and your dog in my prayers.  Hopefully the timme to say good-bye is a long way off.  

    May I Go Now?

    May I go now?

    Do you think the time is right?

    May I say goodbye to pain filled days

    and endless lonely nights?

    I've lived my life and done my best,

    an example tried to be.

    So can I take that step beyond

    and set my spirit free?

    I didn't want to go at first,

    I fought with all my might.

    But something seems to draw me now

    to a warm and loving light.

    I want to go

    I really do.

    It's difficult to stay.

    But I will try as best I can

    to live just one more day.

    To give you time to care for me

    and share your love and fears.

    I know you're sad and afraid,

    because I see your tears.

    I'll not be far,

    I promise that, and hope you'll always know

    that my spirit will be close to you

    wherever you may go.

    Thank you so for loving me.

    You know I love you too,

    that's why it's hard to say goodbye

    and end this life with you.

    So hold me now just one more time

    and let me hear you say,

    because you care so much for me,

    you'll let me go today.

    - Written for a beloved pet & friend, by Susan A. Jackson

  19. I'm so sorry to hear of what you and your dog are going through. Please know that I'm praying for both you guys.

    As hard as it may be, have your vet be blunt about what the costs of treatment will be and what the dog's quality of life would be like. If you can afford it and treating his medical problems would allow him to live a longer, happier life, go for it.

    If not, allowing your vet to euthanize him would be the most humane thing to do. It's not pleasant to watch a dog that's obviously suffering lingering on.  

  20. no i wouldnt put it to sleep, just keep bringing it to the vet

  21. ahh I am so sorry but well I would put him to sleep. again I am so sorry. But he will be happier in dog heaven.

  22. Your best bet is to ask your vet what he thinks would be best for the dog. It seems like your pup has a lot of bad health conditions. (I'm so sorry!) If the vet says that he will never recover fully I would consider putting him down.

    It's a hard decision but, putting a lot of money into him....just so he could have a few months with you is selfish (I'm not saying this to be mean)

    You really have to consult your vet and use your best judgment! If you think he can make a comeback...then by all mean do ALL you can to get him back to healthy!

    Good luck...and sorry about your pup.

  23. Wow. I think you should just put your dog to sleep. Its going to suffer and its going to hurt you seeing him that way. My dog was put to sleep because he was old... and he became very cranky he would growl at anyone. He was a threat to us and the kids. So it was the best thing. My cat also had skin cancer... it wasnt curable she was going to be suffering as time passed so we put her to sleep. Its a hard thing I know... Im getting emotional as I type. You have to think about your pet.


  24. i would put the dog to sleep. i had a dog that had cancer and it wasnt treatable but we tried to keep him alive for as long as we could because we loved him very much. but in the end (after putting him asleep) we regreted putting him through the pain and not putting him down right away. i dont know the entire situation of yours but i hope that this helps.

  25. Yikes! If this dog of yours appears to be suffering a lot, maybe it is a good idea to put it to sleep.  Otherwise, you might want to check with a vet and see if the vet can prescribe your dog anything.  If you want to keep your dog, give it great care; let it relax a lot, eat a little bit of it's favorite food, give it its fave toy, etc.  Do the same right before you put your dog to sleep, if you do.  Personally, I wouldn't put this dog to sleep.

  26. You are really going through a difficult situation. Discuss it more with your vet about the quality of life your dog might have if you don't euthanize him. If the vet thinks it's better to put him to sleep then that's what I would do. It would be very difficult to keep him if he's going to suffer and not have a good life.

    Good luck. Wish you the best.

  27. What does the vet say would be best

  28. I recently had to have 3 of my 4 cats put down, all within a week. They had gotten into something around here and all 3 had no kidney functions whatsoever. There was nothing to be done and rather than have them suffer the only humane thing was to put them down. Hard to do when the first 2 were 12 and 8 years old and the 3rd one was 3. Given the choice between watching them suffer and them being at rest and out of pain was a no brainer. I miss them terribly but know I did the right thing.

  29. I would suggest a frank discussion with the vet on the short, mid and long term prognosis and quality of life consideration vs. pain management capabilities.  This really has to be a personal decision between you and your vet. This is a very difficult situation and I really empathize.  When I have had to put a dog down, I could usually see it in the dog's eyes that that it was ready as it really did not have life and spirit any longer... Good luck!  PS - don't let anyone make you feel guilty about your decision one way or another.

  30. Just recently i had to put my 16 year old dachshund down due to old age and suffering but So i am deeply sorry to say but i advise you to put him to sleep im am sorry also this may have been in the breeding

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