
Putting down my rabbit.

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my rabbit sooty is being put down today but i just cant face the vets. i cant doit i just cant. But then if i dont go i feel bad. If i dont end up going should i feel bad ?





  1. i think you should stay at home so that your last memories are the ones when your rabbit was alive :)

  2. I've been there before with 4 of my rabbits. The best thing to bear in mind is that they will no longer be suffering and in pain once they've gone. Putting to sleep is literally what it says. Your rabbit will be injected with a powerful anaesthetic that she will simply fall asleep and then die peacefully. Putting your pet to sleep is a hard choice. But if you do it you can be proud in the fact that your rabbit had a more peaceful end and wasnt in pain.  

  3. its really up to you... on the one hand this could be the last time to say goodbye, on the other hand you might prefer to remember him when he was healthy and happy.

    either way i'm really sorry for your loss x*x

  4. if it's ill and it's struggling i would put it down, because it's not really fair on your rabbit if it's ill because it will be in pain...... sorry. you choose whats best and you know....good luck

  5. I had a rabbit named sooty and she was cute but then we had to put her down, If you go, you should say goodbye to her/him and give it its fav food and a big cuddle,think that she will not feel any pain and that if she was alive she might,i know people say think of the happy time but that dose not work for me if your not like me think of the good times,If you are like me, think about when your rabbit was happy (dont think about when it was sad)And you dont have to watch it get put down

    If you are not going do the same give her a big cuddle and some off her fav food (you could whisper a something in her ear my bunny loved that) then say your goodbyes and think of something to take your mind off (but u may end up crying at night about how u wish you went so i say you should go) But u choose

  6. Ask the vet to come and put Sooty down at home. They should agree to that. If it all happens quietly at home it's much less stressful for everyone.

    That way you can say goodbye, but if you don't want to be there at the final moment then that's fine. It is much easier to deal with at home. I always get the vet out and it's much better.

  7. You know they never really leave the earth till they know your ok, he needs to know your OK..

    I sat by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.

    I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep.

    I squeaked  to you softly as you brushed away a tear,

    "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

    I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea

    You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.

    I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.

    I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there.

    I hopped with you towards the house as you fumbled for your key.

    I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said, "It's me."

    You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair

    I tried so hard to let you know that I was sitting  there.

    It's possible for me to be so near you every day

    To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

    You sat there very quietly, then smiled; I think you knew...

    In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

    The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning

    And say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,

    I'll rush across to greet you and we'll sit, side by side.

    I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.

    Be patient, live your journey out... then come home to be with me.


  8. If it should be I grow frail and weak ,And pain prevents my peaceful sleep,

    Then you must do what must be done, When the last battle can't be won.

    You will be sad, I understand. Selfishness might stay your hand.

    But on that day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship will take the test.

    We've had so many happy years ,That what's to come can hold no fears.

    You'd not want me to suffer. So, When the time comes, please let me go.

    Take me where my needs they'll tend. Only stay with me until the end.

    Hold me firm and speak to me. Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know, in time, you, too, will see, It is a kindness that you do for me.

    Although my tail it's last has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved.

    Do not grieve it should be you. Who must decide this thing to do.

    We've been so close, we two, these years......Don't let your heart hold any tears

    It's hard having to have a pet put down. I got my boyfriend to take my one dog as I couldn't face it, but I was glad that I was there for when the time came for my other two were put to sleep.

  9. Is sad to keep a sick pet because the owner wants to keep holding on. Do whats best for your rabbit, yes death is sad but your vet will do it humanely. Read the "Rainbow Bridge" Poem. I have 11 ferrets at my Rainbow Bridge. I did everything possible to keep my ferrets healthy, and even into their senior years I made sure they were comfortable. I knew when it was time for them to go, and I loved them so dearly I knew I was choosing the best decision for each one of them when I was faced with euthanasia. I keep a scrap book of my dearly departed ferrets but I have so much love for all ferrets, I continue to rescue them and share my life with them. and when their time comes, I will not put my feeling before theirs, because I love them too much.

  10. Do what feels right for you, your Rabbit will go peacefully whether you are there or not but it could very traumatic for you to go if you are really upset.

    I just lost my kitten last week (she was hit by a car) and i am devastated it's like loosing one of the family so i know how you are feeling:(

    My kids wanted to say goodbye but i didn't want to take them to the vets so we went to the card shop 'Birthdays' and bought a message to heaven balloon which they fill with helium and a wee poem is attached to the string on which you can write your own message on the back and we let it go in the garden, i feel it really helped them.

    Hope you feel better soon, whatever you decide to do x

  11. Whats wrong with it?

    If its healthy then you're well out of order

  12. wat is wrong wif hur  u must go with hur  coze if u dont she will feel as if your leaving hur  and be soo upset  if ur ther shes feel so much better let hur hav time with u and make sure shes fine then when shes gone she`ll be with u all the way home and never leav u again soo shel feel as if nuhinns happend nd still feel alive plz go with hur do it for hur she loves u tooo much she wont leave u nd u wont leave hur.  thx  

  13. I work at a pet store and at an animal shelter. I have talked to a ton of people about this and I have heard a lot of people regret not going and staying with their pet. There aren't a lot of people who regret going. Although it is a sad experience, you want the last thing your animal to see is your familiar face, and feel your familiar touch. not a vet tech that they do not know. But it is totally up to you. the process is quick and painless for the animal so it won't suffer or anything if you're not there. I would recommend going. It will be sad, but you will be glad you did later on.

    I'm so sorry about your rabbit.

  14. Go . Soon it would be over. Say goodbye .Patt her and comfort her. Just go before it is too late.

  15. sorry about sooty! you don't have to go if you really don't want to. but if you can stick it out, i would go. i had marvin my cat come home and he was almost dead...i took him in and watch them put him down, it was peaceful and he wasn't suffering anymore. its your choice and whatever you decide is just fine, don't feel bad. everyone is different and there are no rules when it comes to these things, just do from your heart.

  16. sweetie i saw your question last night, i know this is going to be hard for you but you need to do what is best for sooty, he is a sick bunny and as you said you need to do the kindest thing for him, but if he is not in pain or suffering then taking one more day to be with him is ok but you can't keep putting it off or he will suffer and i know you don't want that to happen, you need to be strong here, it is not easy and it will be painful but as his mum and friend you need to do what is best for him, but don't feel bad about it no one wants to do these things it is hard but in the end you will know when the time is right, best of luck honey hope you find the strength, my thoughts are still with you.

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