
Putting my 2 yr old into daycare Fulltime? :( I'm so sad !?

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I'm very sad But, its time for me to go back to work Fulltime to help support our family . My son is 2 years old and will going into a daycare center on Sept. 2nd.

How over all do I deal with the separation and guilt feeling of going back to work fulltime and How might he handle this and what to do if he doesn't adjust ?

Will everything be okay? Why does it feel like I will never get to spend time with him anymore. Somedays he will have to be there for 8 hours. It just seems so long! How do i deal :(???????????




  1. It is very hard, but if you are comfortable with the facility you are going to leave him while you are at work just take a deep breath and relax a bit. Him being with other kids his age is excellent for him. It will help build his social skills and he will be entertained and have stuff to do and kids to play with all day. You will probably have a harder time adjusting than he will, but it will be best for you and baby. You will be out providing for your family and the little one will be playing his heart out.  

  2. This is the worlds hardest thing to do!!!! I just put my 2 year old in daycare for the first time in May after being home with him.  It was a very difficult adjustment for both of us.  I found a center that was willing to let me call and check in through out the day.  That helped some.  The guilt still has not gone away completely, but now that he has adjusted it is subsiding.  My son had a very difficult time, he cried most of the day for the first week, fortunately the teachers in the room were very comforting to him, I know because I also did drop in visits a couple of times and found them hugging him telling him that mommy missed him and would be back.  It took a good two months before he quit crying when i left, however the tears did not last long.  Usually just a couple of minutes.  He will adjust it just takes time.  You can help by assuring him you will be back and love him.  Also after the first coulple of weeks try to keep the good byes shorter and less "dramatic" this only makes it harder on him.  The hardest part is not seeing him all day, but now I make sure to make every precious moment i have with him count.  It is hard, but you will make it.  Please know that it does get easier!!!!!!  always hard, but easier.   One tip is to ignore people that try to down play what you feel.  I encountered many people who had always had their child in daycare trying to tell me to get over and he will survive. this annoyed me, but expect it.  

    Now my son is excited to go to school and see his friends.  Our love and excitement to see each other has not changed.  He has become very social.

    You will survive, and on the up side the extra income is great!

    Best wishes and good luck

  3. I work in a child care center and I feel for you having to leave him.  But he will get so much out of being around others his age. He will learn a lot about socialization with same aged peers, which is something that can't be taught.  Some centers give out pictures or picture CD's of the kids and the stuff that they are doing throughout the day, which makes it easier, because it is kind of like you are there.  I hope you found a center that you love, because this will make a big difference.  If you have good communication with his caregivers, this will help too.  He will adjust, give him time.  It may take a week or two before he really gets comfortable, but he will.  Make sure you say goodbye when you leave him because this will help him in the long run.  Children need to say goodbye so that they can cope with you leaving, and then they know you will come back.  Usually they cry for 5-10 min, the caregiver will comfort them and then he should get better.  It will be okay, and will likely be harder on you then on him.  Good luck, and leave extra time for the first drop off because it will be tough on you and you might need some time before you head off to work.  

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