
Putting pen to paper?

by  |  earlier

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i have so many thoughts and ideas in my head, and i just wanna write them all down. I'm just not sure what i should do with them once i do. does anyone know of ways to have articles and stories published? i.e. any websites, publishers, magazines, i could contact in regards to giving or even selling them my articles? thanks guys any info would be appreciated.




  1. is a great place for submitting and being paid for original writings., I've heard,  is also looking for new writers (of articles and stories).


  3. Pick up several local magazines and community papers.  They usually give easier access to local talent.  Write things that compliment the publications theme until you get in the door, then submit some of your other material.  Readers Digest is a good national publication if you have humorous stories, jokes or quips.

    Look in your favorite publications and start to send letters to the editor.  

    Always save your writing in folders at your email address, so your work will be portable and resistant to theft, loss, fire, deletion, etc.
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