
Putting rats in a fish tank?

by Guest56993  |  earlier

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i need to clean the whole of my rats cage out tommorow, and i want to know if they will be ok sitting in a fish tank. they cant free roam anywhere and 1 of them is too jumpy and he wouldnt stay on my shoulder if i had him out




  1. yes as long as you take the fish out first  !!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    seriously they should be fine because they cant get out and most shops ive seen sell them in a glass fronted cage as long as then dont get too hot.

  2. Obviously not with water in :-p (Joke), depends how big the tank is, if its big, yes, as long as you keep feeding them and letting them go in there balls every now and again!

  3. yes, thell be fine. just make sure they have food and water (im sure you knew that) and bedding.

  4. yes this will be fine. You can keep rats in fish tanks full time so it will be Ok for a little while in there.  As long as there isn't water in it :) lol

  5. Here are some tips/advice:

    It must have some kind of lid (to stop the jumpy one jumping out & possibly injuring him/her self)

    It has to be big enough for all of the rats ie: They need to be able to move around and not be cramped in one corner.

    It MUST MUST MUST have venterlation (preferably in the lid)

    You must put it out of the way while you clean it out (so you or any one else dosen't kick or stand on it.)

    If you have other animals that free roam the house Ie: cats & dogs place the tank up some where safe and high (make sure it can't fall)

    Other tips:

    Put the radio or T.V on for some calming background music. At a low volume of course, This will help the rats to chill whilst you clean the cage (being suddenly moved to a new tank can be stressing for animals.) And you can sing along to !!

    Place some home comforts in the tank ie: favrouite houses, toys, and a bit of bedding (so they can feel safe, secure & hide away. Also this will keep them from getting bored to quickly.)

    Be as quick as you can when cleaning the cage out. (saves them from becoming to stressed out with you & one another.)

    Put some of the clean (not the wet/dirty ones) old flakes back in the cage with the new one's again to make them feel secure & welcome.

    Always put a bottle/bowl of water in, no matter now long your going to be. (fresh water should always be avalible & changed every day.)

    Once you have finished give them a few treats as a 'well done' for being good rats.

    On the other hand (for future cleaning out days) get them a big roll around ball one each so they are not cramped (for mostly all rodents) sold in all good retailers for about £6:00 or £7:00. Simply block off any danger zones ie: stairs and big drops with cusions and let them roll.

    Or buy a rodent play pen, place it on the floor put some toys in and let them have fun. The only prob is this has not got a lid. Any way they are about £10:00 from all good pet shops ie: pet's at home. And you will only have to get one as this will be big enough for up to 3 or 4 rats.

    This is what i do with mine.

    Good luck & i hope i helped !!


  6. i have a hamster in a fish tank its about 2 foot long lol

  7. they will be fine just as long as it aint too long! maybe you should put some water in it so they can swim lol nah not really :P but you could just let them run around your bathroom they cant usually get out bathrooms

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