
Putting stones in my rats cage?

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ok so i had my rat 'emile' this morning and he totally scratched my arms to pieces. his nails are pretty sharp, but i dont think they are over grown. if i put a few stones in his cage for him and his brother, will they wear their nails down by walking over the stones




  1. Yes, lots of people use stones, I know I do when my boys rip me to shreds. ;P

    A good idea is to raise the water bottle a bit, then put the stone under it, so they NEED to use the stone to get to the water.

  2. Yes, it's fine to put some stones in or a bit of old patio slab (just make sure there are no sharp edges) and like someone above me mentions put it on the ground floor and away from anywhere they might fall from.  As long as they have other areas which are soft there shouldn't be any problem with it hurting their feet.  Also whatever you do don't use sandpaper, it will be too rough on the soles of their feet.  My rats love their stones as it is something different for them to investigate but they do have a habit of peeing all over them so make sure you change them every few weeks!

  3. yes they will but the stones will get dirty so you should change them every few weeks

  4. Not really. They need to be walking on soft bedding. If you need to ware down their nails, take out the stones and put sandpaper around the inside of their wheel. This way, they will ware down without them being bothered.

    The stones wont help and will just cause your rat to slip on them.

    Or there's always the option of clipping them yourself. But the sandpaper thing will be easier.

    Good luck!

  5. you can use stones yes, but if they are very sharp they may need cutting even if they arent long, also make sure you handle them constantly as there should be no reason for them to scratch you.

  6. woulnt have thought so. you may be better with sandpaper in the bottom.

  7. thats a good idea

    i also found by putting apple try in with rats it keeps theyre nails and teeth down

    just make sure you run boiling water over it n clean it as much as poss then dry it before you put it in

    oh and ive found that female rats are friendlier incase you plan on getting more in the future

    the younger you get them and the more oyu handle them the friendlier they are



  8. yes stones are the best thing

    lay them down infront of the water point so they have to climb on the stones to get to it.

    do NOT give them sandpaper as you will hurt there feet

    you could also try an apple branch

  9. Um no! You use NAILclippers to cut their nails.

  10. put some fine sandpaper on their wheel, they just chew on the rocks, not wear the nails down.

  11. Use one big stone or a largish piece of flag, either in front of litter tray/drinking bottle or doorway, making sure its under a hammock or shelf just in case they fall and land badly on it, another way is were ever you let them freerange, have a piece of rough lino or piece of laminate, so they run over it, don't use sandpaper on the cage floor its too abrasive on the feet,  

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