Last couple nights, dreams of same nature. 1st moving into large house with 2 levels. Me, hubby and the 3 kids live in basement level and sister n law, her hubby and 2 kids move in upstairs.
2nd: move into apt with only hubby and 2 eldest kids with a bunch of roommates! One of which is flirting with hubby. I enter the kitchen and all the kitchen stuff is still there including a coffee maker on top of fridge, next to it a breastpump containing white powder, i put my hand in it and the white powder starts to burn a part of my hand like acid. Same dream, spiders trying to climb on my clothes, walls are made of shaky tin like on a shack letting the bugs in and all the while more and more roommates moving in. I decided I dont want to live there, realise I forgot to bring my furniture as well to this new place, when i tell the landlord ive changed my mind, he turns out to be the same landlord i have now and is very dissapointed in me. What gives?