
Puzzling new hamster?

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I am used to hamsters but my newest has me a little perplexed.

I have had her over two weeks.

She took a few days to figure out what the house and fluff was for and eats all food given to her and doesn't store any! (I am giving more food than my other hamster is taking)

I have given her a good wheel but she doesn't understand it and can't use it. In fact she regularly tries to climb on it al falls off.

She runs round and round the spacious cage maddly all evening. I can hear her still pit patting round at least untill i fall asleep.

Mostly my concern is that I have been putting my hands in every day for two weeks offering food and managing to stroke a little. She even climbs onto my hand a little to reach bits of food. But she is so jumpy and actually jumps off her feet at nothing and lands flat on her back. I am worried I will never be able to handle her.

Thankfully,she will climb into a hamster ball.

Maybe she will just over feed herself untill she can't jump anymore!




  1. was she kept in a cage with 'extras' before you got her if not she may not have learned from her parents what it's for or maybee she is storing etc just when you are asleep!!1

  2. your hamster probably came from a petstore, such as petco or petsmart. It is probably young, and you can handle her, you just can't be so careful. Hamsters jump a lot, so next time little hammy crawls onto your hand, close your hand around her and pull her out of her cage. hold onto her tightly, and only do this if you don't mind getting bit. She won't bite hard, she'll probably just nibble to see if you are good to eat. Hold her 15-30 minutes a day, in a quiet area so she doesn't get scared. If she is still jumpy after 2 weeks of doing this, she probably is never going to let you hold her.
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