
Pygmy goats having kids?

by Guest66991  |  earlier

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At what age can a goat first have babies. I have a 6 month old and I waas wondering when she will be able to get preg?




  1. At 6 months, she is capable of going into season and becoming pregnant, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend breeding her at this age.  Pygmies can have alot of problems kidding because of their size, and if there's a problem (breach presentation, stuck kid) even an adult has little or no room to turn babies.  You want them at least close to their adult size when they kid the first time.

    I don't breed a dairy goat until they're at least 65 pounds, but that's not so easy to gauge with pygmies.  Some pygmies will stay very small, others will be taller and heavier boned.  I don't know what type of conformation your goat is already showing - but if she's still tiny and comes from a true pygmy line, give her some time to develop or she might not be big enough to kid safely until she's close to a year old.

    Your pygmy can go into esterus a couple of times a year (usually fall and spring).  You might be able to breed her in a couple of months if she's growing well, but if you want to be on the safe side, I'd recommend waiting until spring (end of March or beginning of April) to breed her, and you'll have late summer kids in 2009.  

    I like to give the kids a little chance to develop and make sure they are healthy and of good conformation prior to breeding.  It does take them some time to reach their adult size.  Gestation and kidding can take alot out of them, so consider waiting until she's nearly a year.  BTW, it's so much easier to care for kids in late summer or early fall than in a freezing barn in February or March!

    Hope this helps!!

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