
Pyramids world wide?

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There are pyramids found the world over.

But only the Egyptian pyramids have a square base, allowing them to come to a point at the top. If the American Indians, Aztec, and the like had started with a square base do you think the might have been able to build such amazing pyramids as well?

The ones in Mississippi and south America, are much smaller and have a flat top..

But because they were more rectangle, than square, they could never ascend to a point as I assume they were ment too..

I’m thinking these structures point to some type of information exchange the world over (prior to 2000BC)?




  1. The main difference in the pyramids of the Americas and those in Egypt was function.  In Egypt they were strictly meant as tombs for the dead.  In the Americas, while bodies have been found inside, most were used as ceremonial structures with rooms on the tops.

  2. Perfectly square pyramids found in ancient Egypt, use the principles of Sacred Geometry...

    The way to arrive at a perfect square is, you take a rod (probably a clean wooden stake), tie a sturdy string to it, and draw a circle, with the stake remaining at the center...

    Once you've drawn a circle, it's fairly simple to plot four equal sides, on the arc of the circle. That becomes the base of the pyramind. Once the base is laid out with equal sized stones, the next layer can start...

    Depending on how much the stone overlaps the first level, is what accounts for the steepness the angle the pyramid will have...

    Early pyramids used trial & error. Later ones were likely calculated well in advance, until finally arriving at near perfect shapes...

    As the pyramids grew in height, earth was hauled in, to make a circular road around the rising pyramid, as it grew. When the top was finished, the earthen scaffolding was removed, and "presto"...An instant pyramid was revealed, on a flat desert...

  3. Well, first of all, Egyptian pyramids were not always perfect pyramid shapes.  There was an evolution in design to get them to that point.  

    Second of all, pyramids in Egypt were used as tombs, while pyramids in Mesoamerica were often used as temples for gods or for places to hold sacrifices.  Mesoamerican pyramids are really quite specatcular; perfectly pyramidal or not.

    The fact that these pyramids are not related to each other at all in terms of form, function, building methods and time of construction leads me to conclude that they were never used to exchange information worldwide.
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