
Pyro clock of destiny....2 turns in a row?

by  |  earlier

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my fren uses this card pyro clock of destiny and he says he can have 2 turns in a row. Does it? I saw an earlier answered question, but it's seems not that true. Can somebody answer me with a trueler answer, with links?





  1. i do not think there is such card called pyro clock of destiny,it mightt be faked.

    we're on about yugioh right?

  2. This card speeds up 2 turns ahead in a duel for cards that need turns like  swords of reaveling light or gold sarcaphagus and others and that means he is cheating

    hope that helps

  3. He's either cheating or he doesn't know how the card works himself.

    It clearly mentions on the card that the turn in which it was activated continues as normal. The only use for a Pyro Clock are as follows:

    - to speed up the turn count for a Final Countdown's effect

    - to speed up the turn count of Swords of Revealing Light or any similar card

    But aside from that, it can't influence anything else on the game.

  4. technically, he's not really cheating, he just doesnt understand the card that well. for example, lets say your opp. has a monster out, then he sets Pryo Clock and attacks and destroys your monster. then he ends. its now your turn, you set a monster and he activates Pryo Clock. the turn advances by a full turn, thus making it HIS main phase since it was yours. he summons a monster and gets another attack if you dont have anything. its actually a good card for alot of decks if you know how to use it.

  5. that card really isnt helpful

    apon reveiwing the above link.

    you move the turn count forward then the turn continues as normal

    basically if you move the turn count forward it doesnt skip there turn it just makes it appear later only working for cards such as final countdown.

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