
Pyschiatric evaluation?

by  |  earlier

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what happens if I`m forced to undergo a pyschiatric evaluation. How long will I be held, will I be given drugs(truth, hypnotic, LSD).`

please include links.

I'm in canada. What's happening is, childrens aid wants wants me to take the test voluntarily or they get a court order, I tried to contact my lawyer but he's out of town. The deadline for me to take it has passed, so they said that they're getting a court order for me to take it, in the "mental health act" it seems that if I'm in there(mental institute) involutarily I can be held against my will for SIX MONTH'S (if i'm in there for that long they will take my kids). And if I did take it voluntarily they will twist it around and say, since you took it on your own that means, by you going there you must know you have a problem. Please help.




  1. just take it, you have nothing to worry about. They won't twist anything around, you're just being paranoid.

  2. A psychiatric evaluation does not involve truth serums or hypnotic drugs.  A psychiatric evaluation consists of sitting down with a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist and talking for about 2-4 hours.  As part of this meeting you will be given certain tests such as the Roshak Test aka the ink blot test.  You will also likely take an IQ test and there will be some discussion of your medical and mental history.

    If the Court has ordered you to take the test, then they probably have a good reason for you to do so.  In the few sentences that you wrote, it appears to me that you may be a little paranoid.

    It appears to me that you care less about your kids than maintaining the delusion that there is nothing mentally wrong with you.

  3. It's best if you cooperate with them. I don't know what it's like in Canada, but my mother didn't cooperate with them, and she was held 6 months for "observation" when I was a child. When my "mental" health got to be too much for me, I went in to be looked at and they diagnosed my problems and I got medicine and they had( or have) no need to hold me. I wish you alot of luck in this.

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