
Q about electric eels

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Can electric eels shock themselves and other fish around them? (since they give off electric shocks)




  1. no just any thing around them

  2. They shock fish around them (predators). Why do you think they possess this ability? It serves a purpose.

    The body of the electric eel is mostly made up of an organ that produces electricity. Like a battery the electric eel has two opposite poles (the head and the tail), and when they discharge, the voltage flows from either the head or the tail.It can produce voltages of up to 500 to 650 volts. This is five times the voltage that comes out a wall socket, and is strong enough to injure or even kill a human. The electric eel uses it ability to produce electricity to hunt for food. The charge from the eel kills its prey allowing the electric eel to swallow it. They need to do this because they have no teeth, and can only feed on prey that is not moving. Although the electric eel can produce large voltages it is the current that kills and not the voltage.
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