
Q for 10 to 15 year police men : why do enjoy beatting arrested..?

by  |  earlier

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....people up once their cuffed and have no way to defend themselves against it like getting a high? or is it just your "thing"??????




  1. Because 75% of them should be retired after their ten years in the force,proven fact they change by year ten on force in metro area's.I've been where you've been.I understand it.**edit : to guy above he seeked help from local hospital,because of his past dealings with same PD,went home & had 14 hour stand-off.He was put into nutward 5 days & charges but ripped scalp,4 broken ribs,teaserd 3x,there were witnesses & its investagating by internal Affairs.c**p happened 4/15/08.How do I know? He told me in email and gave me his phone#. That is my answer.

  2. Come back and ask this once you have been educated.

  3. I have been a serving police officer for ten years and yes I have seen police use force. When you have the courage to stand up and be counted in the thin blue line, ask your question again.

    Policing is a full contact profession; I am not here to cop a beating from some drunk or drug affected fool, I am there to end the situtation as safely as possible for the public, the police officers and the offender ... in that order.

    If because of their actions the offender is hurt, then so be it. I don't assault handcuffed offenders and deeply resent the implication that because I am a police officer that is how I act.

    Time for you to man up, join the job and make a difference.

    out of curiosity just how did this 20+ beatings come about?

    Yes but I am asking about you. what had you done to get arrested and/or assaulted

    Dave I do not deny that there are occassions when this happens .... there are a/holes everywhere in every walk of life.

  4. Most of the real tough guys don't get realy lippy until they get handcuffed.  They don't do sh*t to keep them from being put on, but once they are they'll tell you how lucky you are that they're cuffed.  Then when the time comes to uncuff them at the stationhouse, you get to hear them talk about how they would kick your *** if there weren't cameras around.

  5. 20 beatings? Wow, you'd think you'd learn not to get arrested.

  6. It's just giving a douche bag what he deserves.

  7. it is a power thing, they're bullies

    not all, but they are out there

  8. There was a 15  year old kid in Missouri (USA) who fell 30 feet and broke his hips and back, and was paralyzed, and the policemen still tazered this poor kid 15 times, AFTER he was paralyzed.

    I normally hate lawsuits, but i hope this kid sues those evil b*****d cops and the cops go to jail and get beaten up every day by the thugs in prison.

  9. I suppose back in 1944 you would have read Hitler his rights after you arrested him.  Surprise!  Some people are so evil they deserve to be shot where they stand, so giving them a slap upside the head is tame by comparison.

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