
Q for Homeschool Moms about Standardized Test Recommendations?

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I want to evaluate my eighth grade daughter's progress before she starts high school in the fall. She'll still be homeschooling for high school, but the record-keeping requirements will be different from what we're accustomed to (we'll have to demonstrate credits for high school and for entry into a dual enrollment college program for her junior and senior years).

In the past I have used Stanford 9, and the ITBS. She did well every time, but I want the *toughest* test we can buy this time around so we can ruthlessly evaluate our progress!

She is a great test-taker; no anxiety. It has been almost two years since her last national standardized test, and it will not have to be submitted to any government agencies. This is just for us personally to see where we've been weak so we know where to focus the rest of the year.

What standardized test do you recommend?

Thanks in advance.




  1. I'd take the ACT.  Yes, it's a college entrance exam, but you can order a copy of the test, the correct answers, and the answers that your child gave.

    I find it extremely helpful, and my children have been taking the ACT since 5th grade.

  2. Why  not have her take the PSAT ?  or the SSAT (secondary schools admission test)  They are both nationally normed and recognized.

  3. Since she's an 11th grader, why not go for the gold,  pay and haver take the full SAT test and see how she stands college wise.

    Anything above 1800 is good and anything about 1950 is private college level.

  4. I would have her take the EXPLORE test from ACT.  It's a standard test for 8th graders.  My son took it last year in 3rd grade through a talent search.  He's taking it again next month.  Our local Catholic high school uses it for their admissions test.

    You can also do the ACT test as others have said.  That way if she's ready for some community college classes, she'll have that as "proof" (or not) that she's ready for them.

  5. I agree with the above answer.

    My son has been taking the ACT since 7th (started through a talent search program).

    Gives them good practice on college entrance exams.

    ACT only reports to colleges the test that you specify.

    Taking the practice tests (using materials from companies such as Kaplan or Princeton) and the actual test will help you and your child understand what areas may need a bit more attention.

    You may also want to look into SparkNotes materials for prepping for the test.  

    In fact, my son will be taking a practice ACT test this morning in preparation for the April ACT.

    Plus, registration is really easy online and it does not cost much.  This year, we have elected to do the test at a local university rather than the local high school.  We expect to have a better testing environment.


    NJRoadie mentions PSAT... which is Preliminary SAT (practice for the SAT).

    This is also important but my understanding is that this is only open to sophomores and juniors.

    Taking it as a 10th grader is pure practice - so a practice practice SAT.

    Taking it as an 11th grader puts a student in the running for National Merit Scholarships.

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