I want to evaluate my eighth grade daughter's progress before she starts high school in the fall. She'll still be homeschooling for high school, but the record-keeping requirements will be different from what we're accustomed to (we'll have to demonstrate credits for high school and for entry into a dual enrollment college program for her junior and senior years).
In the past I have used Stanford 9, and the ITBS. She did well every time, but I want the *toughest* test we can buy this time around so we can ruthlessly evaluate our progress!
She is a great test-taker; no anxiety. It has been almost two years since her last national standardized test, and it will not have to be submitted to any government agencies. This is just for us personally to see where we've been weak so we know where to focus the rest of the year.
What standardized test do you recommend?
Thanks in advance.