
Q for Pagans/Witches/Wiccans : What do you think about this ?

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  1. My guess would be that she was murdered for being different rather than for doing any real harm to anyone. I can imagine how wonderfully self righteous her killers feel now, like the murder of a lone, defenseless woman is somehow pleasing in the eyes of their god. And in truth, close-minded bigotry isn't confined to just that area.

  2. "remote tribal village in India" yes their mentality is at the same level ours( people of european descent) was during the Inquisition. Some areas around the Globe didn't evolve at the same pace(remote tribes who don't have too much contact with the outside world). What can I say, i think maybe the indian government should be more involved, but then again India has a lot of security problems even in its urban areas and with a population of a billion people it's not that easy to take care of everything. I think these problems will solve, in time, perhaps.

  3. It is sad, but doesn't surprise me.  It is human nature to always find someone to blame.  I do wonder what the exact numbers are when the article refers to 'dozens' though.

  4. I think there are some really sick people in this world.  Anyone who would burn another human has no compassion or human feelings.

  5. It's a shame that things like this still happen. She may have been the village wise woman - or she may just have been different - or the people who did this may have coveted her house and land.

    I am glad that they have been arrested.  I hope justice is served by the police, but if it is not, it will certainly be served by karma.

    They did harm her - but they have harmed themselves far, far worse.

  6. people are always quick to point the blame when they are ignorant and fanatical! It's very more than likely didn't have anything to do with any type of craft....probably tried to help someone who was sick and it didn't work....and so the blame game started- she was the easiest to blame, and the easiest to be rid of....

  7. This is a tragic and very sad story.  My heart goes out to those who are labeled and killed through ignorance.  Why does it seem to be women most often?  I look to a future where we accept out differences without violent opposition.  Blessed be.

  8. I think it's wrong, and not just because of the fact that she was accused of being a witch, it doesn't matter, you should never burn someone just because they think differently than you....

  9. I could see it happening here in rural US.   They would just hush it up and call it some other kind of death.  The christians here don't want others to know that they are this way too.

  10. I Think it was a murder that didn't have to happen, but it did. It’s a rural area where, as the article said, superstition really influences the people’s lives. They believed they were doing the best for their village, because they were under the impression the woman who they killed had killed another using witchcraft, and maybe she did? Now that isn't justifying her murder, but perhaps the woman who was burned alive had in fact killed the other woman using witchcraft or other means? The people could have been trying to protect the rest of the villagers by doing the only thing they thought could kill her.

    Also it was only the family of the woman who was the first to die. They are the only ones who took an actual part of the murder; it wasn't the whole village, just the family of the other woman. Now I am not saying it is okay for the others of the village to have stood around and done nothing, but maybe they were to afraid to. What if the family that took place in the murder had some sort of influence over the rest of the village.

    As others have said, another factor could have been that a grieving family could have been looking to put the blame of the death of a loved one and the person they found just happened to be their neighbor. The article doesn’t say anything concrete about this woman’s beliefs or whether or not she was living alone, so how can everyone be quick to say they killed her because she was different?

    In all honesty, the information given in that little article really isn't enough to say, oh they did it to her because she was different and some-such. What if the family had some sort of convincing evidence that led them to believe she was a witch who murdered his wife? All the article tells us is that in this location a woman who was thought by other villagers to have caused the death of her neighbor was murdered by the neighbor’s family.

    People who practice witchcraft, Wicca, or another pagan religion are obviously going to feel some personal attachment to this isolated incidence, which automatically is going to make them think the killed this woman because she was different or some other reason

    All we can do now is hope that the people who murdered the woman get a fair trial and be put jail.

  11. Well to be fair, it is a remote area, where they probably do things VERY differently to the western civilisation. Although I am very angry, and appaled, from a pagan point of view. Thankfully, I doubt highly it would happen anywhere in England where I live.

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