
Q for men: what is the most annoying phrase that a woman can say?

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  1. My BF gets irritated when I say "whatever" when we are fighting. He says it's just a way of saying "F*** you...I don't really care what you think." I think it is funny.  

  2. "You have the biggest shlong compared to all your friend!

  3. these have always made my bf crazy

    "I don't know"

    "It don't matter"


  4. do you like this dress  

  5. "I like you as a friend..."

  6. I am not a man but I would think it is "nothing". If they ever ask what is wrong and you say nothing you better believe there is an underlying problem that we expect them to know.

  7. my husband would say my most annoying phrase would probably be "BEADS!!!" lol.  i'm a jewelry making fool.  i'll do it just to s***w with him, though.

  8. My honey said, "When do you plan to do ?????, this is the 5th time I have asked you. He said he likes to do favors on his time, not the requester's time schedule.  

  9. I asked my husband & he says . . . "We need to talk".  Ha ha!

  10. I just asked

      Do You Think She's Pretty?

  11. Don't get mad but.........

  12. " I remember when you use to love me like that...." What they don't understand is that men remember your attitude use to be different as well!

  13. Honey, I'm pregnant, AGAIN! (our boys are only 9 1/2 months apart!)

  14. I want .........

    If you want something get it yourself... I am not your daddy with a fist full of money to hand you for vacations, cars, insurance and whatever else you think you need!

    As the joke goes... " I am gettin gmy wife what she wants for Christmas... MORE"

  15. oh my god my last boy friend was bigger..

  16. Not now, I have a headache!  

  17. I asked my boyfriend and he said "Does this make me look fat?".



  18. We have to go shopping

    Iv'e got a headache

    Iv'e crashed the car

    My mother's coming to stay.

    We need to talk

  19. "why dont you ever do ___________ ?"

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