
Q for mums with more than 1 baby....?

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i just found out that i'm pregnant with my second baby! I was really ill at the beginning of my last pregnancy.

Did you find yours better or worse the second time around and what did you have both times boy or girl?




  1. I had 2 girls. I suppose every pregnancy is different and how you get involved with the experience. I was 17 when i fell preg 1st time and 18 when i had her, hated that pregnancy cause i had some much pain and gained loads of weight, but 2nd preg wasn't too bad, i found i was alot more informed so knowing what to expect helped me deal with things better, my diet was 100% better and i made an effort of dressing well and not just making do!! you can never predict what it will be like just cause its num 1,2 or 5!! every aspect of your life will affect your preg, just depends on how you deal with it. good luck, i can't wait for baby num 3 xx

  2. It is different for everybody, I have had all boys and my first two I didn't have any nausea or sickness, my third, which I was expecting twins, I was told I would suffer really badly because twins apparently make you sicker, I had very slight nausea in the mornings for about the first 3-4 months then nothing, but a lot of heartburn towards the end but I think most heavily pregnant ladies suffer with that.

  3. I felt a little better the second and third time round but found i couldn't rest as much. The distraction from  toddlers was quite good therapy through the 9 weeks of feeling sick and really tired.

    I have three boys. The end result is worth the sickness.

  4. I have had 3 boys and 1 girl the only difference is the way i carried them with the girl the weight was everywhere. with the boys the bumps were nice at the front. I had hyperemsisgravid umum with the first 2 pregnancies boy then girl it was awful it made no difference i needed hospital treatment with the first pregnancy and medication with the girl. The last pregnancieses i was sick all day but i was so stubborn and no time to feel sorry for myself so i had buckets in every room and sipped juice/water every few mins it all eased of every pregnancy at the 4th month mark.

  5. I was beyond sick with my first pregnancy!! I had morning sickness 24/7 for the first 3 months. It was awful. When I found out I was pregnant with my second, I was really nervous because of how the first one was. But that pregnancy was so easy. I never got sick, just some nausea once in awhile. They were total opposites!! My first pregnancy, I had a girl. My second, I had a boy. The funny thing is, my daughter is a hand full and my son is the easy one, just like my pregnancy's!

  6. hi my first was a girl and i went through the pregnancy like a breeze. im now 36 weeks pregnant with a boy and so far everything has been worse. but everyone is different, my mum said i was harder than my brother. but in some ways it has been easier for the fact ive been thru it once and i know more now than i did then. either way id say both pregnancys had their ups and downs just sit back and enjoy it and good luck

  7. I was very ill with my first one and ended up in the hospital for dehydration. When I got pregnant with my second I was in the hospital twice. Once for dehydration and once for fainting. I was equally as sick the second time as the first time, but the second time I had so many food aversions.While the vomiting stopped around week 17, I was an involuntary vegetarian. I couldn't smell or eat meat the second time around. It got better as time went on, but never went away until I had my second child.

    The first time I had a boy and the second time a girl (who is now 3 weeks old) they are 20 months apart.

    Congrats!!!!! :-)

  8. the first was great because I could pamper myself, rest when I needed to, eat really good meals, etc.  The second was HARD because I never got to rest, I ate pretty much whatever I could get my hands on which was usually what my daughter left on her plate and could never remember to take my vitamins.  My month 9 I was dragging butt.  I had girls both times. I did not throw up ever while pregnant.

  9. I had a girl first time and a boy the second. With my first I had really bad morning sickness, more like 24/7 sickness really, for at least 4 months but after that everything was pretty much plain sailing apart from I bled once at about 7months but it wasn't anything serious. i got tired at the end too. with my second the sickness wasn't as bad, still there though. I didn't have any serious complications but because my bump was higher up this time I found it very difficult to breathe and walk for long distances, also I couldn't rest like I needed to because my little girl was always needing me to play and get her things. I enjoyed my first pregnancy more but that doesn't mean I wont do it again while I have young children. Its really nice when you can involve the older one and watch them get excited too.

    good luck =)

  10. Had girl first time and was sick but only in mornings up to 16 weeks this time i am havng a boy and have been sick as a dog throughout even hospitalised at the beginning on a drip as i was being sick so much, guess some women dont get affected whatever the s*x is but i def found this preg worse! guess its diff hormones when having a boy good luck with preg and congrats


  11. i was super sick with my first one, lasted about 4 weeks or more.

    My second one i was on the couch all the time, really sick as well, lasted only about 2 weeks...they were both girls.

  12. Both boys - they will be 19 months apart.

    I have found this (second) pregnancy to be far easier than the first.  Less nausea, less complications.

    Best wishes to you!

  13. Both of my pregnancies were easy.  I had a girl first and a boy second.  

  14. MUCH better because I was ready. I had all ready experienced the pain so I chose an epidural injection, that helped and I knew AT pregnacy I had to drink lots. Just go through with your partner/ husband/ perents what you did wrong lat time and what was right and felt good!

    Make sure you get plenty of sleep a balenced diet and lots of love :]

    good luck with your pregnacy and birth x

  15. My second pregnancy was so much easier--there were even times I forgot I was pregnant just because I was so used to the whole experience--nothing phased me.  This also meant that it wasn't as new and exciting as the first time around.

  16. I think it's different for everyone...

    My coworker just got pregnant with her second and she says that it's nothing like the first one. She showed alot quicker and ever since the beginning, she's been sick. She's always coughing, nauseated, and has colds nonstop.... She's due in November. She had a boy last time (easy pregnancy) and now everyone thinks this MUST be a girl lol...

    All the best.

  17. im now pregnant with a boy, i had really bad morning sickness until i was 18 weeks, im now 31 weeks and feeling ok. i also have 2 girls and i was ill with them to, but only til around 12 weeks, and i had terrible backache through out and heartburn with them, were this time, im only just getting a touch of backache and heartbun because my baby as dropped down, i ended up in hospital all 3 times in early pregnancy with all 3 though, but its defo different carrying my son to my girls.xx

  18. hi congrats!

    I had a boy 3 month premature with clots and pre-eclampsia then i had a girl absolutely fine all the way through.

    Most things are old wives tales, but your body has experienced pregnancy before and has adapted to it easier than 1st time around.

  19. well no two pregnancies are the same, even for the same woman..

    I had terrible morning sickness for the first 4mths with my first child, and absolutely none with this one.

    I had some discomfort and lots of weight gain with my first, and this time I have sciatic nerve pregnancy pain, and the same weight gain.

    both boys :P

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