
Q reg pregnancy blood tests...?

by  |  earlier

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Hi goin through tests at the moment as been ttc for nearly 11 months. had a hormone test and that is fine, then had 21 day ovulation test and not enough hormone was seen so got to have another one. would this blood test picked up if i was pregnant - do they test for the same hormone/chemical? due on yesterday and still no wondering if the reason they didnt pick up enough hormone in my 21 day blood test was because i am pregnant?? goin for pelvis scan today at hospital as part of my tests, would they tell from this if i was so early on pregnant?? thanks




  1. I don't think they would see it on the scan so early. Hormones go up during pregnancy (all hormones), so you're probably not pregnant. They won't test for it unless you ask them to. Don't rule pregnancy out though, because you can have your period and still be pregnant; but from last month...

  2. Hi, your day 21 test is to see if your progesterone levels have risen above 30 - which they have to be for you to be able to conceive.  If you were pregnant then your levels would be high and you would not need to repeat it.  Are you cycles 28-30 days?  As my cycles used to be really long and i needed my progesterone levels checked on days 30+ instead of day 21.  Speak to your doctor or nurse today at your scan, they will be able to help you and ask all the questions you want.  All the best and lots of baby dust to you x

  3. hi, iam also waiting on blood tests back aswel to know iam pregnant and i got them back this arvo. it turns out iam pregnant again and they were checking my hcg levels. now if there checking your hcg levels  than yes it should come up your pregnant and also a pelvis scan will show if your pregnant aswel. good luck  

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