
Q to ladies & gents , do you prefer a female to be too slim, slim, a bit full, or full?

by  |  earlier

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in the 20th c our stars were full .

they had full figures , for ex , Hind Rustum, Huda Sultan, Shadia , Faten Hama werent skinny or too slim .

this was the fashion.

this trend changed into the image of the skinny girl to follow the looks of models in fashion shows .

after the movie , Titanic , the image of the full star appealed to everybody .

what is your taste ?




  1. actually it differes from girl to girl, as each girl has her own theme of femenine spirit.. (ro7 onotha khas)..

    i mean for me i find girls who look really beautiful in a bit full figure, like the new Sherine Adel, the one in bali balak, and some looks beautiful in skinny figure like Hanan Tork, Nilly Kareem....

    for me in general white and fair girls are more beautiful in a full or a bit full figure, while wheatish or darker girls looks best in skinny figure...

    it also depends on how she dresses her self and how she talk and how much i like the matual interactin

  2. i appreciate beauty, it comes in all forms and shapes, i won't be  picky to prefer one over the other. when i was younger i thought i liked slim more but experience just keep changing my  preferences..

  3. For me, i don't like to be skinny or too slim. I like to be fit maybe a little bit full with nice curves. That's how I like myself to be.

    But in general, size doesn't really matter. I don't like or dislike someone for his figure!!! no one should.

  4. my egyptian hubby likes slim women, but he thinks chubby women are more accepted in egyptian culture than american culture and considered attractive in egypt.

    I would hope that my daughter doesn't become overweight since life is just easier for a thinner female, and, in my opinion looks better.  Rolls and thick legs have always been somewhat yucky to me...however, i think it's ok for a guy to be chubby as he ages.  But heavy guys definitely were not attractive to me when I was younger because it shows laziness.  Men should have muscle tone when they are younger in my opinion otherwise they look like wimps!  I took care of myself w/ exercise and expected the same in my partner.  I will encourage all my children to exercise though.

  5. No, No skin and bone for me!

  6. I personally think women look healthy being slim to a bit full.  I am a strong believer be who you are if that is full or very skinny be your natural size don't spend your life trying to be a certain size there are more important things to worry about as long you are healthy and happy.  

    Here in the UK there is a image that skinny is beautiful they look at celebs who are very skinny and try and be that small the size 0 trend seems to be a must for young girls there are many anorexic girls because of this they don't accept them selves for who they are.  This is due to them looking at magazines and seeing skinny people.  

    Just be happy and healthy.

  7. im going for full set lol

    as in not skinny but not fat you get what im saying?

    i want thaaat lol with the curves an everything. but not "love handles" not like cottage cheese something you cant grab no.i want nice curvey slim but not skinny in between its kiinda hard to explain but i have a good pic. in my head thats pretty hard to explain lol.. i am not so good at giving details...or even rememberinggg

  8. I believe when love comes.....slim or fat is not so important, love is is other thing.

  9. All i can say is for sure about men coz am straight :D

    I hate body builders soooooooooooo much.

    That's it :D

  10. In my opinion, slim figure is the best, it's not just a beautiful body, but also a healthy one

  11. My first choice is a slim body that is girly if I may say so. I mean the figure should not be boyish.

    My second choice is a bit full, but there is danger of getting fat with the years.

    So my answer is slim.

  12. Full figured isn't the fashion any longer. Slim is in fashion, but the idea of a great body means that the body has to be also well proportioned and well  "met asem".  Ya3ny wahda me3as3asa won't do.  But that's in the world of movie stars and models, in our world we should eat healthy and exercise, but we shouldn't starve ourselves and get sick just to look like them.

  13. I dont care much for the outside its the inside that matters

  14. it doesn't matter if she's a little bit extra weight as long as she got the right curves in the right a guitar  ; )

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