
Q:I am using Samsung camcorder model VP-D 363 i, i dont get any video!!?

by  |  earlier

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when I connect this to my computer having windowsXP, I get the photographs , but not the video . What do I do??

Do I need to install any video card sort of thing , if so how much it will cost ?




  1. I believe you're trying to connect through USB or Data cable right? Some camcorders have those Memory Stick thingy as we do in Digital Cameras.

    Now, for videos you are most likely to NOT see them directy in to the computer. I have Sony Cam. and to edit my video on PC, what I HAVE to do is, open up the Movie maker, then click on Capture from Device. If you're camcorder is connected properly or the Memory stick is inserter pro., you should see camcorder name after you click on Capture from Device.

    Make sure you go through all the menu's available in the Capturin screen. ONLY Experience will make you better at this.

    Windows Movie maker is the simplest software you can capture videos through. But, if you want to go little advance I would reccomend you get Sony Vegas 7 or 8 Prof.

  2. Your dv camcorder needs a firewire connection (ieee 1394) in order to download video, your PC probably did not come with a firewire port, so you will have to buy one and install it, since most computers (except possibly brand new) don't come with a firewire port, your camcorder did not come with a firewire cord so you have to purchase a cord too. Your camcorder did come with a USB cord and that is used for downloading stills from your camcorder.

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