
QLD Water Restrictions... the low-down for an inter stater??

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Hello people!

Just hoping someone can give me the water restrictions in a quick way??

All the websites are all over the place & i have no idea what im looking at lol.

So if it helps, explain it like you would a 6 year old :D

Im moving from WA, where our only water restriction is watering your gardens on your rostered days... lol

Oh and if it helps ill be in the Ipswich shire... :-)

thanks sooooo much in advance xox




  1. New pools and spas can still be built and filled, but water wise practices must be in place. Pools and spas must not be filled with town water. Owners should use water sourced from outside SEQ’s drought affected areas, or rainwater.

    Residents can use a bucket to clean car mirrors, lights, glass and number plates, and to spot clean to remove potentially damaging marks.

    Gardens can be watered with a bucket or watering can at allocated times. Some concessions apply. The use of rainwater or grey water is not restricted.

    Newly established gardens and lawns can be watered with a trigger hose for one hour on the day of establishment and for one hour daily (either between 4am-7am or 4pm-7pm) for another 14 consecutive days.

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