

by Guest32234  |  earlier

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Ok so there's not one single guy that's interested in me. I don't know why. I am pretty( don't get me wrong i am not one of those girls who always think that they're the best, but if there's one thing i really like on me it's my face xD and it's not just me people keep telling me how cute i am.) Also i'm not overweight, i'm normal,also i dress good all the time...the only thing is that i'm short i am 14 and 5.0...but i know some girls who are shorter, fatter, and guys still like them. But no one seems to notice me, guys see me as a friend, and i am not one of those girls who hang out with boys all the i really don't understand what's the problem??? Maybe you know what guys like and i don't have??? Please help me??? Thanks ;)




  1. smile a lot and be flirty

  2. just wait, u dont need to be dating now =]

  3. you have to approach yourself as not being the needy one let the guys come to you don't make them seem like you're interested. Guys will like to play hard to get so be noticed by them but don't seem like you're available to them.

  4. You might not like me for saying this....sometimes it's better to be the one girl in a group of guys. I have always been the girl that guys can talk to because I don't gossip with the other girls or really hang out with them.  So I get all the juicy secrets. You are so young and there may be someone this year who will be interested in you as more than a friend. Be patient, it will happen. Until then, I would enjoy being one of the is so much time, school just started/is starting and you will be able to find boys. Think of it this way, you will be able to find out from the guys what it is they are looking for or not looking for. You will be able to understand them better when the time comes and you do get a boyfriend. Good luck.

  5. Your focusing purely on the visual, guys want a more complete package.

    Try changing your personality.  You may come of as stuck up, snobbish, needy, or too picky.  These are red flags in any guys mind.  If you were one of these things, it may take some time for guys to notice you've changed, so don't expect things to happen overnite, especially if you're in school.  Gossip and Labeling is common in schools, so maybe look for someone who doesn't know you or your friends.

  6. it seems that u r desperate and that's ur only problem just be yourself i u like sum guy u can just give him a hint that u like him or just take the first move and ask him out.

  7. hai as a guy sometimes I really like a girl..but I'm afraid that she will turn me I start to be friend with her hoping that she will give some signs to show that she likes me as well. You know guys always afraid that a girl will say noooooo!!! is embarrassing and hurt their ego a lot. Why don't when you meet a guy that you like..just tell him that you like him. Give him a signal..give him a chance to know that you actually likes him least he know. There is no shame in telling someone that we like them. All the best okay..hope you find your prince charming soon.

  8. The only problem is that you're only 14, so you haven't given this finding a guy who likes you thing much time. Now, I'm not saying that makes it nay less frustrating, but just trying to put it in perspective. You don't like *every* guy who is like-able, similarly, guys can see a pretty girl and think she's great without wanting to date her. Also, have you ever liked a guy but not said anything because you weren't that close or you were shy? It works the other way, too.

    Stay confident and go ahead and be the one doing the asking the next time you like someone. Most people don't find someone they connect with as soon as they start looking, but if you don't let that get you down, then when a guy does like you, he'll like you for who you are, not for what you might do for him.

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