
QUESTION: Do you really think Al-Queda will ever be defeated considering they operate in 80 countries?

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As said by Obama: What good is it to stay and loose more american and foreign soldiers in Iraq and Afghanisthan every day when Al-Queda operates in more than 80 countries?

Think about it before you give your answer.




  1. The war on terror has never ended.

    It only took a break for a few hundred years.

    The Quran that the muslim pol swore on that belonged to Jefferson?

    Studied to know the enemy.

    Their young are trained to hate Americans, and Al Quada is simply one among many destructive tribes and minions.

    How will we fight them? Maybe just barricade our country and don't let anyone in.  

  2. First of all, they can't be totally defeated, just enough to not pose much of a problem. Second of all, if we're fighting them, it drastically reduces our chances of being attacked at home.

  3. No....its not possible

    Not without the cooperation of those 80 countries and we may very well never get that.

  4. The American soldiers who have died in this war did it to keep the terrorists from attacking here in America.  Their sacrifice and constant re-enlistment rates (highest in history) have kept the barbarians off our shores.

    Russia tried to do the appeasement right from the start and got their children's dead bodies handed to them at Beslan.  Since then they have been killing every terrorist they could get their hands on and a repeat of Beslan has not occurred.  We should all thank our soldiers, sailors and airmen every day for fighting the bad guys over there and keeping our homes safe here.

  5. Eventually, but not by anyone currently fighting them.  Obama also said that he wants to increase US forces in Afghanistan.  Which is it?

  6. What does operating in 80 countries actually mean?

    That they have bedroom terrorist fantasists in all of these countries?

    Al Qaeda is dead in Iraq that's for sure.

  7. Al-Queda is a MYTH.

    Bin Laden is dead.

  8. We keep killing them until they no longer pose a danger to our country, better to fight them wherever they are than on our native soil. Never forget 911

  9. i doubt that they are in 80 countries and if they are then we know those 80 countries and if we don't fight them they will kill us anyway so might as well finish what we started.

    Edit: there is not 1.5 billion Islams in the world who told you that? if there was it would be the biggest religion

    China would help because we are their biggest customer

  10. If we ever get a real president, perhaps.  There are not enough American troops to defeat al-Queda.  But, by enlisting the aid of countries around the world to help us, perhaps we can keep them on the run long enough for them to lose interest, possibly even win a military victory.  Unless, of course, McSame wins and continues the cowboy foreign policy of go-it-alone military intervention.  Then, we are in trouble.

  11. i dont think we will ever beat them it will just lose support over time and fall. but we wont beat them.

  12. i beleive so, i mean they are dieing down a lot right now, so maybe a few more years to go

  13. I don't even think that is the right "box" to be thinking in. Like drugs will always be with us, and theives will always be with us, so will violent extremist wackos always be with us. We need people who can think in terms more complex than "shoot the bad guys" in charge of dealing with these problems.

    And yes, I think it a shame that first Viet Nam vets, then Gulf War vets, and now Iraq vets are getting "the short end of the stick" when they return home. If paying an extra tax to help our vets was on the ballot, I would gladly pay that tax.

  14. al qaeda will die with islam

    islam is already in major decline so hopefully it will die in the next century or so

  15. No, but it is our duty to help, and at least keep it under control.  

  16. You cannot fight a 'war' against terrorists.  They are not a part of any organized army and if they were, they could be defeated in battle.  A terrorist does not wear a terrorist uniform or have anything else to identify himself as a terrorist.  He can be an Arab, or he may look like Tim McVeigh, or look like you or me.  Until the act is committed or attempted  it cannot be stopped.

    We can only take measures to limit immigration and beef up homeland security.  It is not effective for us to police the world.

  17. leaving Iraq too early would be surrendering the country’s future to al Qaeda. “Those who justify withdrawing our troops from Iraq by denying the threat of al Qaeda in Iraq and its ties to Osama bin Laden ignore the clear consequences of such a retreat, If we were to follow Obama's advice, it would be dangerous for the world and disastrous for America.”

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