
QUESTION : Only for FIRE signs?

by Guest11045  |  earlier

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Do you feel that water signs are jelous from fire sign? But they dont admit it ! For eg. (insensetive, boldness, fearless, independent) because they cant be thoose triats thats why they appear to dislike us, but from their cores they knew we are better, they want to be like us ! What do you think?




  1. Hey you are right.I have seen it in many cases.But Pisces is an exception .The Jealous part is true for Cancer and Scorpio.But Scorpio can take control over it or at least hide it properly.I have a cancer gal in my class who constantly spreads rumors about people whom she dislikes.She is so indirect,revengeful and venomous.I can never stand fake people.Scorpio is certainly better than a Cancer in my opinion.

  2. I am as fiery as a California wildfire ...that is not always good Aries Rising and Triple Leo in the fifth house I am absolutely parched with only one water planet and that is Jupiter in Scorpio..and favorable too! Yes people are intimidated especially being a girl...I used to beat the boys up at school!! Only when they picked on me of course and then the ferocious lion came out. She is now fat and happy  with her tribe these days!

  3. "Only for FIRE signs" ..

    too bad, I'm answering :P

    Water signs are bold, fearless, independent.

    Infact, Scorpios are the most fearless and independent in the zodiac. That's why they value solitude and can live alone.

    Aries, on the other hand, are known to be afraid of being alone.

    What is so good about being insensitive? You a robot or something?

    Maybe you're jealous...

  4. hiiii!

    im ARIES :) with a Leo rising sign, so i got a lot of fire in me! LMAO!, i  think when people put very rude or mean comments on questions like " who do u think is the best sign?" and water signs say" all fire signs just think there all that" or something stupid like that, it just means that there extremely jealous, becuase r fire sign is ( like u said) determined, bold and ect. theres just says there sensitve and that kind of things. i agree with u , i think that if all signs were fire then they would have the same aspect on things. and i think water sings are just jealous of r BOLDNESS! lol, but i like every sign so im not trying to be a meanie or anything!!!

    good question!:)

    xxxxx Emalee xxxxx

  5. Yes, but no matter what sign the people are ( fire, air, water and earth ) they are jealous of other people from the other signs.

  6. ok, i'm breaking your rules. hee hee. i'm a cancer, but my venus and saturn are in leo and my ascendant is sag. i personally can embody those traits. of all the elements i think i would be jealous of the air signs. they're usually so happy, carefree, and have the ability to be completely detached.

  7. Here is what I feel: I am a Scorpio Woman full of water deeply in love with an Aries Man with a Leo Ascendant. He is has a great love of touch, expression and being in the water physically! I am sure his affinity for agua come from the Pisces cusp he was born so close to.

    As for jealousy the answer is no! I am in totally admiration for this fiery man of mine. He sparks my smile and fuels my heart. I, in return sooth and cool him with my deep flowing feelings. We are a great match with my Mercury trine his Sun.

    When looking at how signs relate to one another you must look beyond the Sun signs which represent the egos. Each weight in the chart must be considered and weighed out.

    Every chart has it’s high points and challenge spots. To understand it begin with the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Next look at how they relate to each other.

    All signs and Planets have their positive and challenging sides. It is up to us to bring out the best in ourselves and others.

    Please invite your friends to join my Yahoo Astrology group for monthly Astro-Logic!

    Astro-Logically-Yours, Chica de las Estrellas

  8. i know u will hate me, but im not a fire sign! i am a water sign and yes i am jealous of fire signs and how they go after what they want and succeed often. But water signs also have traits the fire lacks aswell

  9. I think they ARE jealous of us! I'm a Leo and I love it, but I think my Dad's a water sign and he shows most of those qualities!

  10. Not all water signs are jealous....I think just mostly annoyed!...LOL I have many water sign friends who are very loyal friends....that being said, I think I (as a fire sign) annoy them with bold optimism...eccentric personality...I have also been known to 'rub off on them' a little...LOL. I can be aggressive in nature and I tend to push buttons until I get a reaction...LOL...but in my personal experience with water signs, they usually get angry with me at first, but after they have had time to think the situation over, they are usually thankful that I helped them see the true light of their own feelings about a situation or even themselves....sometimes they do resent me for this- they would prefer to keep their slight lack of foresight/insight a secret- but all in all, they are usually have good sportsmanship (even when they don't want and still make very good friends!

    For myself, sometimes I need the companionship of a water sign to keep me from exploding with extreme inner emotions...they do help cool me down at times (even unknowingly to them). :)

    I think it is fantastic when we can find a harmony and balance between the signs...even when it may seem difficult at believe if we can find a balance with each other then we are more likely to reach our true potential....

    always the optimist, Sun/Sag ;)

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