
QUESTION about budgies! 10 pts easy in two days only.! ?

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What is the purpose of ur budgies being used to your hand?

and if ur budgies are walking away on their perch when i put my hand in.. are they used to it?

and my budgies are eating the food i am holding... are they used to my hand???




  1. The purpose of the budgie getting used to our hands, are to show them that we do no harm.

    No they are not used to it, when they walk away from your hand, their just a little terrified of what you might do.

    That doesn't basically mean that their used to your hand, just because their eating out of it, but it is the starters.

    When you do the 'step up' training session. You have to separate the birds, as though they will get distracted from one another. Take one into a different room (in a different cage) and teach it, by not 'forcing' to step up, but by 'asking' to step up (not literally). By teaching your bird to 'step up' on command, you need to first be able to 'get' it on your hand. So, since it can eat from hand, make sure you put the treat on your palm and let the little guy eat it. Once, he/she has eaten it, put some more again but this time make the little guy reach for it (make sure he can't, that way he'll have to climb up). Once he's on your palm, take him out of the cage (make sure the room is safe, or either have his wings cut, for safety reasons) and slowly push your finger against his tummy and say 'stup up'. If he does it correctly, give him a treat. If not, try again and again, till he/she gets it correct. Make sure it won't go back in the cage. If he/she does, just push on his/her tummy inside the cage and say 'step up'. If he's/she's on you finger good. If not, try again. Once he's/she's on your finger inside the cage try and slowly taking him/her out of the cage and give him/her a treat. If this doesn't work, there's another trick. Hold your palm infrot of your fingers (make sure your other hand of fingers is hold a piece of treat, so that way he/she will wan't to reach for it). When you see that he's/she's about to 'step up' say 'step up' immediately. Keep doing this, until you can do it 'with out' the treat. Good Luck.

  2. Your budgie seems like he is pretty used to you a good way of calming your budgie down or letting him no your not a threat is to rub his stoumich under his beak with your index finger be sure to only caress it downwards budgies hate it when you ruffle there feathers the wrong way also they hate you touching there wings make sure you have had him for a couple of months before you can do that

  3. All the birds i've had are basically all used to me and my family.

    When you're taking them out of their cage and they back off, it might just mean they don't want to come out, sometimes my birds will come right to me, othertimes they'll shy away like, 'nope i don't want out'.

    Budgies are also sometimes shyier to come out, i've experienced that a lot, they'll back away from you and not be sure to come out, but doesn't mean they don't like you.

    Since you'res just back away and it doesn't seem like you half to change them around the cage, and they don't bite you, and the way it sounds they don't fly away from you???

    If they're eating out of your hand thats a good indication they trust you. I can't say they're afraid of you, its just their shyyer personality.

    Step up takes awhile to teach any bird, sometimes days, usually the smaller the bird the longer to be honest. i've had budgies they take longer to learn than my maximillion piounus, which is 6 times the size of a budgie.

    It also depends on how long you've had them, and where you got them too. Its best to get pets from a breeder that hand-feeds the birds. But you'res seem pretty good. but if they do fly away from you then they're just flight and probably will never tame down around humans and always be like that, which sucks tremendously.

  4. Well, for starters, they aren't biting you, so that's a good sign.  You should be able to get them to perch on your finger though. To get them used to this, put your finger right between their belly and feet and press gently, once on your finger take your finger on your opposite hand and repeat (like he's walking up stairs). Good luck.

  5. They have to get used to your hands to bond with you.  Birds are almost always afraid and move away when you first put your hand in the cage.  It is an extremely good sign if they eat out of your hand.

  6. You are trying to tame wild birds. Parakeets of all the hook bill birds are the hardest to tamed. I always advise you not to get your feeling hurt when you never get them to tame up. They may eat out of your hand but never really tame up, so enjoy and appreciate the time they do eat out of you hand and thank them for giving you at least that much trust. Good luck!

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