

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i am 12 and i need a VERY quick acne remedy! but dont even say lavender or honey or lime juice or lemon juice, i dont have any of that!!!!! PLEASE i need some help- my 1st day of school is in 2 days and you have to make a good first impression- i mean i'm going into middle school!!!!!! HELP!




  1. This will just help dry up the acne you already have, but go outside and get some sun.  A small burn will dry your acne.  

    Get some cleanser to help you too.  I sympathize.  Good luck on your first day!

  2. Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne worse by using too many products.  There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  3. yea toothpaste  does the trick over night also wash your face twice a day at day and night to keep it clean but yea give toothpaste a try it always works...for me it does! :)

  4. try using a small dab of toothpaste or go to the store and get the neutrogena oil-free acne wash in grapefruit or green tea and cumcumber. they work GREAT

  5. use that acne treatment on t.v nuetragena or something and use the big bottle like 2-3 times a day;...
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