
QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOUr HELP?

by  |  earlier

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I was summoned for jury duty this week and I've been calling in all this week and so far up until today I hadn't been asked to report. NOW, all of a sudden I've been asked to appear Friday at the courthouse. My question is how can they select me on the very last day if my summons was for the this week ONLY?

YES and I NEED QUICK TIPS TO GET OUT OF IT, I have classes next week and I don't have time to waste on someone who decided to commit a crime; if school weren't an issue I'd go and I'd probably be more sympathetic but since it's interfering I'm NOT!




  1. What if they are innocent......and what if it were you.....would you want someone to waste their time on you.  

    I was invited to jury duty.....and I wanted to go, but my rear end was in the hospital for dehydration due to the flu.

    If you are offended by the answers that you get then why are you here asking for us to answer your Questions????

    School and work are required to let you go to serve Jury Duty and besides Don't you get paid for serving as a Juror?  Then Why are you complaining?  You don't get paid for being a student do you?

  2. I jus went to jury duty and they said that if you have any like relationship with the people appearing in court to tell them. Like for example.. my mom was in a jury duty with a case where a lady was sueing a cop.. and since my father is a cop she told them.. and they let her go since she might be biased in the favor of the cop. So yeah.. jus try hard. they will ask you questions.. try to make it seem like you will be biased.. or jus tell them your racist lol

    Ohhh and the previous person said you can go to jail. at the bottom of mine it jus said youd be fined. but if you have a good enough excuse i think your ok. but jus goooo

  3. It's your civil duty to go and do your part. The school has no choice but to excuse you and let you make up anything you missed.  Look in your handbook or talk to your councilor this is a completely excusable absence.Asking for ways to get out of it is just another way of say I don't want to do it.People have a chance to voice there opinion and help the legal system when you are asked to jury duty, yet when they turn it down or "try to get out of it" they are usually the first ones to say our justice system stinks! JUST DO YOUR PART!!

  4. First of all, the government can call you to jury duty anytime they like. It is called DUTY for a reason. However, when you get there you just need to explain that you have classes and most likely you will be excused. With your attitude you don't need to be serving jury duty anyway

  5. i think you can go to jail if you dont show up so i would just go

  6. I Had the choice to delay for one year when mine came in the mail. But the card had to be returned with this choice marked. Do you have this choice?Look into it. Defer for one year then school willnot be a problem.

  7. You don't have time to waste on someone who decided to commit a crime?

    Whatever happend to "innocent until proven guilty"?

    I  hope you are never charged with something you didn't do and end up with some college students who can't be bothered to waste their time on your jury.

  8. well, you can probably tell the school that u have jury duty and they will excuse you.

  9. I think your right, why go. In fact they should let the guy go who is on trial, and heck why should the poilce have to work at solving crime.  Course when the guy gets released maybe he won't come to your house and rape and kill you, maybe it will just be your neighbor..........  Do your F-IN duty!!!!!!!!!

  10. they have a case they want you to hear finally. maybe the rest came out with plea bargains. unfortunatly you need to go and explain your situation. you may just end up sitting there and never get selected. bring a book or you will be bored : ).

  11. tell the government to **** off and that you got more important things to do. afterall, they say honesty is the best policy.

  12. Your best bet is to convince the court that for some reason it would be a hardship for you. The law states that reasonable allowances must be made to allow you to comply with the jury call. For instance, if you work 'on-call' or 'per-diem' you will lose all income during your jury duty.  They will excuse you for this. Showing bias may actually make you more favorable as a jurist. A doctors note that you must care for a close friend or relative will work. Your school may be able to claim that if you miss time you will at a distinct disadvantage or in jeopordy of being dropped. People are excused all the time for any number of reasons. Many times the people on trial settle while the jury is being selected and the jury is dismissed. Bottom line is that if you are selected what ever you are missing must do their best to accomodate your absence. If they cannot that may be a reason for your dismissal.

  13. So they are still doing the selecting?   Just go in there and say  "THAT h****y  IS  GUILTY!!!!!"

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