
QUICK!!! im going to mexico. im a Mexican American so i need to know if i can travel around in Mexico?

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with out a pass port from here (usa). Im going as an emergency so i wont have time to get one but i also dont want to go if i wont be able to board an airplane over there with out a pass port. Please Help. I dont know who to ask!!




  1. You will need an FMT, tourist visa which you will receive on the plane. You WILL need an American passport to reenter USA.

  2. You MUST have a passport to FLY between the U.s. and Mexico.  If you travel by land, you do not need a passport.  And you WILL be able to fly WITHIN Mexico without a passport.   You do need  a photo I.D. and your certified birth certificate  to prove you were born in the U.S....if you are a U.S. citizen.  If you are a Mexican citizen residing in the U.S., you will need your green card and photo I.D. to cross by land.  see site below and read top half of the page carefully for the current info.

  3. You'll need a passport if you're going to fly, but only a driver's license if you're going by land.

    Search for "Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative" and you'll get the full story.

  4. EDIT:  It would be a great deal of help to all of us if we knew you were either a U.S. citizen or a legal resident in the U.S.  It does make a big difference.  If you have a green card and you're from Mexico, you need a Mexican Passport.  You'll need to go to Mexico to get one.  Your problem lies in the fact that you can't fly to Mexico from here without a passport.

    You can take a bus to Mexico, get your passport there (if you are a greencard holder and were born in Mexico) and then fly back to the states.

    Contact the Mexican Consulate for further information--

    If you're a Mexican citizen, then once you get there, you can get a Mexican passport and fly back.

    EDIT:  You can try this link and see if it helps at all--

    EDIT:  TRY THIS LINK FIRST.  THE NUMBER I HAVE HERE IS CONTAINED IN THE LINK.  THIS LINK IS EVEN BETTER.  NOW, I JUST CALLED 877-487-2778 and they informed me that if you have your proof of travel and it's a bonafide emergency (SUCH AS DEATH--MIGHT EVEN INCLUDE MEDICAL EMERGENCIES), it's possible to get your passport in a day or two.  Call them up and get an appointment set up so that you can get your emergency passport--

    Just read this link and you will have your answers.  If you're going to fly, you need a passport.  So you won't even be able to board a plane here in the states without a passport (let alone be able to get back into the states via an airplane without a passport).

    I called this number--202-663-1743 and they told me that they don't issue emergency type passports.  You still must go through the normal channels to get a passport.

  5. You need a passport for any country. -_-

  6. What's a mexican american exactly?  What citizenship do you really have?  

    To travel in/out of bordered spaces whether they be on ground or air, you need to prove who you are.  Drivers licences are not good enough anymore.

    If you can't prove who you are, then you are probably doing something illegal, and therefore cannot travel in and out.

    If you have a family emergency, the passport offices can make a passport for you fast.  No such thing as not enough time.  You had enough time to post your question.

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