
QUOTES HELp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im looking for some REALLY good quotes like

"people that say sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain"

and stuff like that!

wat are some of yall favorite really good quotes?




  1. "if i don't achieve happiness, i'll make sure others do.."

    "expect the worst but hope for the best.."

  2. Perhaps...

    "those who are afraid to fall never learn to fly."

    "The rainbow always comes after the rain"

    "Every life is a story...make yours a bestseller"

    "Dont cry because its because it happened"

    Hope those are good enough.

  3. whoever said nothing was impossible never tried to slam a revolving door

    friends are like condoms..there for you when things get hard

    live as if you'll die today, dream as if you'll live forever

    loving someone is giving them the power to destroy you, and trusting them not to

    life isn't about the breaths you take, its about the moments that take your breath away

    a guy would give his left nut to be able to read a womans mind for a day

  4. Do they have to be happy?

    "When you smile at me you smile past me. When you look at me you look through me. When you glance at me its really me your glancing at because a glance isnt enough to give me hope yet its enough to give me hope you know im not an illusion."

    "When life gives you lemons, throw them on the ground and say "AHHH I HATE CITRUS FRUITS!"

    "A wise man once said, "smiles are contagious" and i take that very literal and wear a face mask and carry hand sanatizer around wherever happiness arises."

    hehe. =)

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