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Has anyone noticed some small raised lines on the bottom of certain

key buttons on their computer.On mine its the F and J buttons and the

No 5 on the right hand side of the keyboard,none of the other keys

have them, is there a reason for this, just wondering.




  1. It is for both touch typists so they know the location of their fingers, and also to assist blind people I asume. Although thinking about it, probably more for touch typists as a blind person wouldn't be able to see the screen.

  2. Its not braile. Its to help typist position their hands in the right place. And for the number 5 its to indicate its the middle key and for that its the number 5.

  3. It is to help in the positioning of fingers for touch typists and the blind.

  4. F and J and 5 are home keys for the blind and the people who refuse to look at their keyboard. For instance, me. I can't concentrate on the monitor and the keyboard at the same time so I had to learn how to type without looking at my keyboard. It's also kind of useful for those dark days and nights that you don't want to use electricity on.

  5. it for blind people

    like braile -  

  6. thats there for touch typists so they always know where there fingers are lying  on the keyboard  

  7. Yes,.. These are your "home" keys.  The raised bars are there to help you locate the home keys by touch. -  OK if you can touch type!!

  8. It helps people who (like myself) can "touch-type" to find the "home keys" on the keyboard. It has variations sometimes, for example, where I learnt, the teacher used very old Apple Mac computers, with the "D" and the "K" with bumps on it.

    Whenever I go to a keyboard to type I always look (with my fingers) for the little bumps on the "F" and the "J".

  9. I assume it is to assist blind users to feel their way around the keyboard, like on a telephone the number 5 always has a raised dot (not mobiles).

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