
Qadiyanis, how would u know the next prophet is real or fake?

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@ iqfactor: brother u are wrong in so many places. Of course the prophets who came were from the children of Adam.....they aren't going to be from children of aliens. I dont understand how u can claim that to be as one of the characteristics. Thats a given.

Secondly u said true prophets aren't killed and that the translation im using is weak. OK. How about the death of prophet Zakariya and his son Prophet Yahya? How did they die?

Can u plz refer to me to the Quote where Allah says that he will kill the false prophets?

If so, what about the fake prophet Elijah Muhammad? As far as i know, he died a natural death. And i believe he was the leader for more than 40 yrs. Why didn't Allah kill him?

Im waiting for your response




  1. simple , there are no prophets after Muhammad peace upon him.

  2. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah, and the seal of the Prophets and Allah has full knowledge of all things. ( Quran 33:40)

    There will not be any other prophet after Muhammad (s).

    Brother qfac: If you mean prophet as someone who is inspired by God, then no harm, but if you mean Allah spoke to him directly or indirectly, then the Aya i showed you is clear. But i do respect your opinion, no matter what you believe, and one day soon we will all know the truth. May Allah guide us all to the truth

  3. It's great that you guys are arguing over prophets.  Maybe you will finally realize the Bible was right in saying John The Baptist was the last prophet and beware of false prophets, wolves in sheep clothing.  

  4. khool! thats a nice exp given by 1qfactor!

    1qfactor:my grand dad is a muslim.

    he is from the ommah of the prophet muhammed.

    he died a normal death unlike ahmed who died in the toilet with his face tugged in stool.(book: the true way to ffollow the prophet.written by ahmedy) and i cleard the pointy of wht he said. anyway if i say my granddad was a prophet you'd believe it?????????????!!!!!!!!????????

    *IF or WHEN a Messenger is to come (according ot the Yusuf Ali translation) then he will be from Among the Children of Adam. Such a clear statement.*

    wat do you mean by that. every1 a muslim and a nonmuslim is the child of aadam(as).he is the first man. so it's natural. and bythe way my granddad is also the child of aadam(as)

    *Please look at the arabic in the Qur'an. The translation you are using is very weak*

    woah! both of you are using yousef ali's translations so how is the askers trans weak???

    *However, there is more. Hazrat Muhammad (sa) received wahi for 23 years of his life. Hazrat Ahmad (as) received wahi for 29 years of his life. Without question Hazrat Muhammad (sa) is the greatest Prophet and had the greatest wahi, i.e. the Perfect Qur'an. But are we to believe that a false Prophet had wahi for longer than the greatest of All Prophets and Allah did nothing to kill him as He promises in the Qur'an.*

    ok!i see ahmed guy recieved for 29 years. thats good. i wonder what did he recieve?? what is the revelations called?? do you know?

    the list you gave thats good you got a lot of knowledge man! but they were killed just the way many other prophets were killed as Allah says in the Quraan in soora al baqara: the jews and christians killed the prophets. but your mirza ahmed guy died in the toilet! and with his face ....... i already said this b4 and gave u the exp of what the ahmdy says and explained that as well.

    any way i'll tell again. accord. to the book mentioned above the writer is not a muslim he's a khaadiyani. he says the reason of why Allah took his life in such a manner. he says that people wanted to insult him and so Allah gave a chance to do so and for him is plessures in aakhira.(not the exact words) but it pops a Q in my mind 'will Allah humeliate his prophet only to please his creation(ie,men). why didn't Allah do that with the other prophets??

    if you say that those who don't believe in Mirza ahmed person we a kafirs my Q is what about the jinns?? did mirza come to the jinns as well?? he forgot to talk about the jinns i think. who are the jinns to follow?

    besides in the grave the people will be asked about the prophets.

    when the angel asks who is your prophet all of us you and me have to say MUHAMMED. even a jew and christian has to say this.

    and those from the time of ibraheem have to say ibraheem tosre of hood have to say hood. AND EVEN MIRZA HAS TO SAY MUHAMMED. and if you say that mirza is a prophet you wont be able to say anything else except Mirza and then the hadeeth says of those who dont say Muhammed(4 the pple of muhammed(saw)) 4 them will a door from h**l will open....... long hadeeth.

    pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez if you don't have a proper answer do not answer the Q and insult yourselves.

    ALL MUSLIMS. it's time to tell 'lakum deenukum wa lee yadeen'

    'for you is your religion and for me is mine'

  5. One verse that is clear that Prophtes can always come is in Surah Al Araf.  Allah addressess the Children of Adam (i.e. All mankind for All time and says)

    35. O ye Children of Adam! whenever there come to you apostles from amongst you, rehearsing My signs unto you,- those who are righteous and mend (their lives),- on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.

    36. But those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance,- they are companions of the Fire, to dwell therein (for ever).

    *Note, this is a non - ahmadi Muslim translation.

    This ayat tells the children of adam, that WHENEVER apostles (rasool) come to you, from among YOU, and Rehearsing My signs (ayats) unto you, then the righteous will have nothing to grieve.

    This is a common theme that those who do not grieve are the righteous ones because a righteous person will accept the Prophet sent by Allah, while an unrighteous one will panick and issue fatwas against that person and become angry and upset.

    In this verse is also an explanation to see if the Prophet is true.

    1.) they will come from among the people (not descend from anywhere)

    2.) they will Rehearse the signs of Allah, i.e. now the Qur'an (bring nothing new)

    3.) I didn't post it but if you read the following verses 37 and 38 it says that he who lies about being from Allah will be cursed.  If we take this in conjunction with the promise Allah makes in chapter 69 to destroy and kill false prophets, we have a clear picture.

    A True Prophet will be from among the people, i.e. Muslims as that is the last Ummah.

    A True Prophet will rehearse the signs of Allah, i.e. the Qur'an as it is the Last Book

    A True Prophet will have Allahs protection, i.e. will not be killed by Allah

    Hazrat Ahmad (as) met all these qualifications.  He was Muslim, he did not add or delete anything to the Qur'an, and he died a natural death.

    If in the future a Prophet comes and meets these qualifications and is supported by Allah, then we will have a measuring stick to see if he is true or not.


    @Asker -

    1.) That's the whole point.  The Qur'an is SO clear that as long as children of Adam are here, Messengers may very well come.  IF or WHEN a Messenger is to come (according ot the Yusuf Ali translation) then he will be from Among the Children of Adam.  Such a clear statement.

    2.) Your question should instead be addressed to Allah.  HE is saying that the Messenger, when he comes, will rehearse the signs of the Qur'an as a sign of his truthfulness.  Unlike the likes of Rashid Khalifa (who changed the Qur'an) and Baha'ullah (who brought a new book).  

    3.) Please look at the arabic in the Qur'an.  The translation you are using is very weak.  This verse says that they sought to slay the Prophets unjustly.  But even if we assume that it means they killed the true Prophets of Allah.  Then it means that this verse contradicts the warning Allah gives that He Himself ensures that false Prophtes are killed.

    However, there is more.  Hazrat Muhammad (sa) received wahi for 23 years of his life.  Hazrat Ahmad (as) received wahi for 29 years of his life.  Without question Hazrat Muhammad (sa) is the greatest Prophet and had the greatest wahi, i.e. the Perfect Qur'an.  But are we to believe that a false Prophet had wahi for longer than the greatest of All Prophets and Allah did nothing to kill him as He promises in the Qur'an.

    Name one other false Prophet that did not die a horrible death.

    Alexander Dowie - Claimed prophethood - Died paralyzed, alone, and his entire movement is non existant.

    Ali Bab Muhammad - founder of Ba'hai Faith - Executed at 30

    Rashid Khalifa - Submitters - Stabbed to death 30 times

    David Koresh - Claimed Messiahship - Shot and killed by FBI

    Joseph Smith - Mormons - Killed by an angry Mob

    And the list goes on and on.

    But Hazrat Ahmad (as) - lived a long life, died a natural death, and Muslims who have accepted him are growing by leaps and bounds in every country of the world, alhumdolillah.


    @Asker - The key thing I want to stress about 7:35 is "from amongst yourselves."  This indicates that like every Prophet in history, he will be raised amonst the people from a child to an adult.  This exactly is what the Prophet (sa) used as a testimony of his truth.  That he has been among them since childhood, have they found any flaw in him?  Obviously they said no but rejected him at first anyway.  So that is the main emphasis of "amognst yourselves."  It's not just in reference to him being a human (as opposed to some alien), but it means that he will be raised among the people and will live a sinless life so no one can find flaw and say he was a bad person and hence false.

    Regarding Hazrat Yahya and Zakria (as), I have never found any conclusive evidence that they were killed.  Nothing in the Qur'an says that and names them.  I have not come across any authentic hadeeth either.  If there are, please do share them with me.  On the contrary, as they were true Prophets of God, they Must have been under His protection, otherwise the kuffar of their time would have claimed victory that these "true Prophets" were so pathetic (naudhobillah) that their supposed god couldn't even protect them.   It would be a victory of falsehood which Allah would never allow.

    Here are the verses in the Qur'an regarding false Prophets.

    [69:45] And if he had forged and attributed any sayings to US,  

    [69:46] We would, surely, have seized him by the right hand,  

    [69:47] And then, surely, We would have cut his life-vein,  

    [69:48] And not one of you could have held Our punishment off from him.  

    [69:49] And verily, it is a reminder for the righteous,  

    Here, Allah is rebuking the disbelievers that if Muhammad (sa) had lied at all, then Allah would surely have killed him.  And then 69:49 says that this is a reminder for the righteous.  A Reminder.  This means that this warning is a reminder for all righteous people that Allah destroys false Prophtes.  If the greatest Prophet ever is warned that "if you lie you will die," than how can Anyone be exempt from it?  Impossible.  Hazrat Ahmad (as) would have been killed by Allah, as He promises to kill those who lie about him.  But he wasn't killed, he died a natural death.

    69:49 says that Allahs warning is a reminder for the righteous.  That a righteous person would never claim to be a Prophet if he wasn't because he would have fear of Allah that Allah would kill and destroy him.  A righteous person would only claim to be a Prophet if Allah had told him he was a Prophet becuase he would know that he would have Allahs protection.  This is what Hazrat Ahmad (as) did.  He was a true prophet of Allah and had Allahs help and protection.  To this day, this is why Ahmadi Muslims are increasing in number so quickly, alhumdolillah.

    Ah yes Elijah Muhammad.  Have you happened to read his book? "Message to a Black Man in America" ??  I read it through and through because I wanted to know what he truly taught, rather than going to hate websites.  I wanted to learn from the source.

    If you read his book, he never claims prophethood, not once.  At no point in his writing does he ever claim prophethood.  Rather, he claims to be God incarnate.  Yup, he claims to be God in the flesh.  Now, there is no Ayat in the Qur'an or Hadeeth where Allah prescribes a punishment for someone who claims divinity.  This could be for several reasons, one of which is that God expects that people should be intelligent enough to know that He is One and would not take on human form.  Also that the Qur'an is replete with guidance that Isa (as) is a man, not god, and hence no Muslim would ever fall into that thinking.  Whatever the reason, Elijah Muhammad never claims Prophethood, and the warning by God in chapter 69 is for those who claim prophethood while they are not.

    I hope that helps clarify.


    @Asker - I'm not twisting anything. The Qur'an is establishing a principle.  The Prophet (sa) was the example for mankind.  He showed us how to live.  Hence, to say that ONLY he would be punished is ludicrous.  That's exactly my point, if a false prophet (i.e. the ones i mentioned above), claim to be a Prophet, then they will be killed, simple as that.  We have in Rashid Khalifa a prime example of that and that was not 20 years ago.

    Like I said, there could be a number of reasons why Allah doesn't punish those in this life, neccessarily, who claim divinity but the fact is the Qur'an does not say anything about it to my knowledge.  If it does, then please do show me.  Pharoah not only claimed divinity but also attacked Musa (as) and his people and tried to kill them.  To protect those righteous people, Allah destroyed pharoah.  (And actually according to some tafseers (non ahmadi muslim even) pharoah was not killed but paralyzed of sorts).  Elijah Muhammad never sent an army after anyone to hunt them down and kill them.

    You still haven't found me any proof that true Prophets were killed.  I'm awaiting that too.


    @Asker -

    So your source is Christian books huh?  Christian books also say Isa (as) is god.  I don't trust them.  Show me an Islamic source.  I take Islamic sources over Christian sources, I'm sure you do as well.

    No, my EXACT quote was, "That a righteous person would never claim to be a Prophet if he wasn't because he would have fear of Allah that Allah would kill and destroy him.  A righteous person would only claim to be a Prophet if Allah had told him he was a Prophet becuase he would know that he would have Allahs protection. "

    The kuffar and disbelievers may very well claim prophethood (again, look at the people I mentioned) and thus they are destroyed because they are false Prophets.  But, a righteous person wil

  6. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the Qadiyani Sect

    AUTHOR: Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee

    SOURCE: Al-‘Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah – Sharh wa Ta’leeq (pg. 39-40)


    The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) informed his ummah in many ahaadeeth, advising and cautioning them, that there would be many imposters (Dajjaaleen) after him. In some narrations, he (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Everyone will claim to be a prophet, whereas I am the seal of the prophets – there being no prophet after me.” [Reported by Muslim and others; See al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah: no. 1683]

    Amongst these imposters was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadiyani who claimed prophethood for himself. He has followers spread throughout India, Germany, England and America. And they have masaajid which they use to misguide the Muslims. There were some individuals amongst them in Syria as well, but Allaah uprooted them and eradicated them.

    They have many vile beliefs apart from their belief that prophethood continued after Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). The one who preceded them in this belief is Ibn ‘Arabee, the Sufi. They have authored a treatise on this subject in which they have collected statements from him that serve as support for this afore-mentioned belief of theirs. And the mashaayikh were not able to refute it because it was from that which Ibn ‘Arabee said (!!) even though they asserted with certainty that they were disbelievers. There is no room to mention their beliefs here.

    No doubt they are the ones whom the Messenger of Allaah intended when he (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said in the hadeeth that has been authentically reported from him: “There will be lying impostors during the Last Days that will bring you narrations, which neither you nor your forefathers heard of. So beware and let them beware, lest they misguide you and bring calamity upon you.” [Reported by the author (i.e. At-Tahaawee) in Mushkil-ul-Athaar (4/104). It is also found in Saheeh Muslim (1/9)]

    From their most distinguishing signs is that when they begin speaking about their Call (i.e. beliefs), before everything, they start out with affirming the death of ‘Eesaa (Jesus). When they are able to accomplish this – according to their perception – they proceed onto the next level, which involves mentioning the ahaadeeth that talk about the descent of ‘Eesaa, and make it clear that that they believe in these narrations. However, they then quickly move on to distorting their meanings by claiming that what is meant by them is the descent of someone similar to ‘Eesaa (Jesus), since they have already established and confirmed – according to their views – that ‘Eesaa (Jesus) died. So they claim that this person was Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadiyani!

    They have many, many other examples of distorting texts similar to this, which leads us to believe that they are a group from amongst the heretical Baatinees. We will point out some of their deviant beliefs soon by the Will of Allaah.

    From the misguided beliefs of the Qadiyanis is that they reject the Jinn as being a creation apart from mankind. So they distort the apparent meaning of all the ayaat and ahaadeeth that clearly prove their existence and their distinction from mankind amongst creation, instead claiming that these texts refer to humans themselves or a specific group from amongst mankind. This is even the case with Iblees (i.e. the Devil) himself as they allege that he was a human being that was evil! So how misguided they are!!

    Published: January 31, 2006

  7. I don't get it. Everytime I see a Mohammadan in America coming on t.v. or something he/she is all humble and crying and stuff and telling everyone in the world that they are really nice people and don't hate anyone and that "Islam means 'peace'" and they want to be friends with everyone and so so so (I especially liked that really cute cover picture of "Muslims in America" on the cover of Newsweek a couple years back...). But then, when you are in your natural element you start going at it again with all kinds people, like Ahmadi Muslims. Why so double-faced? Why does it seem that you Mohammadans seem to have a problem with everyone in the world? I mean, you seem to have problems with Christians, problems with Jewish people, problems with Hindus, even problems with your yourself (like the Sunni and Shia). And you are doing this after having brutally murdered two of your own Khalifas and the grandchildren of OUR Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). You mean you still don't know why the world hates you so much? Think people, think.

  8. Brother, they are very good at tampering Quranic verses and Hadith.

    they will answer u anything with their trained skills


    Just look at FTLs answer and the1qfacs answer. Its really amazing that they(qadianis) are indeed very good at misinterpreting things.

  9. listen my boy,

    prophet parvez musharf (pbuh) is the best prophet because he kicks the butt of islamists in pakistan

  10. Mirza qadyani  declared that he is the last one ,so qadyanis no need to worry about any other prophet

    they r contented with Mirza qadyani

    Shias and Qadyanis r uniting against Quran & sunnah

  11. i dunno,but i think i will prolly have nightmares for a while after seeing your avatar!

  12. AbulHaarith

    "They have many vile beliefs apart from their belief that prophethood continued after Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). The one who preceded them in this belief is Ibn ‘Arabee, the Sufi. They have authored a treatise on this subject in which they have collected statements from him that serve as support for this afore-mentioned belief of theirs. And the mashaayikh were not able to refute it because it was from that which Ibn ‘Arabee said (!!) even though they asserted with certainty that they were disbelievers. There is no room to mention their beliefs here."

    This is a slanderous lie on Ibn Arabi

    Bring your proof if you are truthful

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