
Qadiyanis, the lost tribes of Israelites?

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You said that Jesus (as) preached to all of the lost tribes. Well i dont know if u know this or not but these tribes are spread out all over the world. How come we only here stories about Jesus going to Kashmir and not anywhere else?

People claiming to the lost tribes go from Africa to China to Russia to Japan...pretty much all over the world.

Please explain.




  1. Very good question!

    Here's a brief article about this issue but I'll explain it below as well as I really like this question.

    The original lost tribes numbered in 12.  These tribes at one point all lived in the Palestine region.  This is simply historical fact.  Due to continual fighting and warring amongst themselves. the Babylonian empire split them up and relocated them within their empire, towards the East.  The furthest East tribe was the tribe known as Kash, i.e. what is now known as Kashmir.  This is all historical fact that can be corroborated by any legit encyclopedia or book of history.

    Now later Jews were dispersed throughout the world but we're talking 2000+ years ago at the time before Hazrat Isa (as).  At that time these 12 tribes had been scattered East.

    Here is a map of the probable path Hazrat Isa (as) took.  The map has been derived from studying authentic Islamic sources from history among other ancient historical documents.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. good job, let's educate other fellow muslims about them!!!

  3. This is not a good way to debate with Ahmadis any way at least you're trying

  4. I don't get it. Everytime I see a Mohammadan in America coming on t.v. or something he/she is all humble and crying and stuff and telling everyone in the world that they are really nice people and don't hate anyone and that "Islam means 'peace'" and they want to be friends with everyone and so so so (I especially liked that really cute cover picture of "Muslims in America" on the cover of Newsweek a couple years back...). But then, when you are in your natural element you start going at it again with all kinds people, like Ahmadi Muslims. Why so double-faced? Why does it seem that you Mohammadans seem to have a problem with everyone in the world? I mean, you seem to have problems with Christians, problems with Jewish people, problems with Hindus, even problems with your yourself (like the Sunni and Shia). And you are doing this after having brutally murdered two of your own Khalifas and the grandchildren of OUR Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). You mean you still don't know why the world hates you so much? Think people, think.

  5. I am agreed that we should educate our muslims ,otherwise our innocent muslims can fall in their trap.

    Thats why our Ullma tried their best to declare them Kafir  

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