
Qh in England and also Australian Stock horses in UK and US?

by  |  earlier

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are their many in either of these places???




  1. I'm not sure about Australian Stock horses in the UK but not many in the US as far as I know.


    Hey Eqquus! Not you too?!! I haven't had any one 'stalking' me and thumbing me down, but someone reported the question I posted earlier and got it removed, and then proceeded to send me nasty e-mails.

    Wish there was a "group" for Y/A horses were you could go to talk knowledgeably about horses without the annoyance of little s****. kiddies. Too bad. LOL!

    Sorry Redial for continuing the rant here!! I didn't see you edit.


    My answer to your other question was deleted?? Ah well, I guess I just gotta learn to shut my mouth sometimes.

  2. I understand that there are quite a few quarter horses in England.  The QH is considered the most popular horse in the world.  However I do not know of any Australian stock horses in the US.  There probably is but I am not sure why anyone would bother.  The Australian Stock horse is Australia's version of the QH only not quite so muscled and stocky.  This is because they do not tie off their ropes in Australia.  I am not sure how they handle them but I do know that Australian stock saddles do not come with horns unless you get the American version (and then that horn is not for tying).

    And Equus I had a troll for quite a while.  Even thumbs downing answers that were clearly the this is the way it is and no argument type.

  3. I think there are a few Australian horse stock breeders in the U.S. but dont know details, I am so pissy tonight. I wanna how is everyones night going? Ziggy and redial thanks for the help last night and I wanna see some better pics of your boy redial. Im totally in love with him.

  4. yes there are Qh in Uk not sure about england here is a link

    ASH are found in Uk

    and US umm yes they are

    i dont thinka ny of them are major breeders towards the breeds though

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