
Quad bilking what do a need??

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Going quad biking with my husband never been before so dont know what a need to take with me do they supply clothing or do u just go with watever ur wearing I supose it would be safe to wear old clothes?




  1. Depending on where you are going mos,t places supply you with the relevant clothing but on the of chance they dont it is safe to go along in old jeans jumper trainers etc etc.

    Go and enjoy yourself it will be fun

  2. yer old clothes and a helmet and goggles


    first answer!

  3. old clothes and hopefully you have some old pants so you dont get your legs burned from the motor(i think it's the motor) it's better to wear pants and a t-shirt rather than a sleeveless shirt and shorts in other words. also and important thing is a helmet and riding goggles. hope this helps.

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