
Quails ?

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hi want to buy a quail can any one answer these q's

1. Do they make good pets

2. What is the basic care? Or do they require a lot of work?

3. Food?

4. Are they easily tamed? Can they be trained?

5. Best type of quail to buy?

6.can u breed them

plz answer

7 wat size cage

8.can they go with budgies

plz answer




  1. "Do they make good pets?" That depends entirely on *you*.

    As far as basic care and food requirements, I would recommend using a search engine find the information you need.

    Since quails [and all pet birds, in my opinion] are essentially wild animals, I would say that it's unlikely that they can be trained. As far as "trained" goes, it begs the question, "What would you train them to do?" Quails aren't like pet parrots ~ they're not likely to sit on your finger and whistle the Andy Griffith theme song.

    You *could* breed them, but what would you do with the babies?

    And they absolutely cannot go with budgies. One or the other might be a carrier for a disease, and besides, they have different beak structures and eat different food.  

  2. Aside from being territorial, quail can trample or injure a housebird, and there are also certain diseases and parasites that transfer.  Never house gamebirds with domestic species.  Gamebird breeds should be penned and raised separately from any other species, including other gamebirds.

    Quail are generally considered a gamebird and are raised primarily for meat.  They do not make good pets, as they do not tame down or like to be handled.  For healthy birds, I recommend feeding a gamebird feed that is about a 16% protein.  They do enjoy some scratch and cracked corn as well, but they need the feed for a proper balanced diet.

    Most varieties do fairly well set up in aviaries (they tend to fly off and escape otherwise).  If you have just a few birds, a large cage works also - a large rabbit cage could hold about 6 small quail comfortably, but requires alot of cleaning.  It's also a good idea to set up the aviary in an outbuilding where a secondary door can be closed to prevent escapees.  Several kids in our 4-H club raised meat quail projects this year, and we had to close the exhibition barn at fair several times and get out the nets to capture birds who escaped during feeding.

    I do think that button quail are exceptionally cute, but they also taste really good.  Most people interested in buying them will buy them as finishers for meat, so don't expect to breed and start marketing quail as pets.  I'm considering starting a quail pen next year, primarily to sell as meat birds.

  3. umm it depends on the type

    we used to have an avary and was always breeding budgies, we had two californian quials on the floor but when the baby budgies got some plumage they dropped out of the nesting boxes bcoz the boxes were too hot and we ended up having to raise 12 injured baby budgies. they werent injured by the fall to the floor , the quails attacked them leaving their backs featherless , bleeding and screeching in pain. one was attacked so bad that it couldnt hold its head up and bits of muscle and flesh stuck out. you could see it's spine, it lived but it was hard to help it recover.

    we also had tiny quails who were also very territorial and attacked adult budgies.

    so be careful about quails with other bids or pets

  4. Hi,

    No quail do not make good pets, their poo smells. As for care all they need is food and water and a nest box. For food they will eat any seed mix, finch, budgie etc. In my experience you cannot train quail and are always wild, they often fly up when frightened. If anything buy the chinese or button quail they are samll and don't smell as much. You can breed quail but you need lots of males and females together to garentee fertility, i think that the ratio is about 1male to 2females and you must always have this ratio otherwise the male will harass the female and kill her. Quail will not incubate their eggs so you would have to do this if you want chicks, by buying an incubator.

    Definitely quail are fine with budgies so you will have no problem. Finally cage size well really they need an aviary, but i should say that a large indoor rabbit cage would be fine for two or three birds.But definitely nothing smaller as quail like to run around.

  5. I love quail! They are very sweet.

    1: Yes, in my opinion. But then, there are cat people and there are dog people.

    2:They require as much work as you want to do. They are extremely messy and need to be kept reasonably clean. They also CAN be kept with other birds - they eat the seed that the other birds drop! All they need is their food and their water. They also are social - you can't just get one. Get at least 2 (not a c**k and a hen or 2 c***s - either 2 hens or a c**k and more than one hen). They do smell a little, depending on how you keep them and how often you clean them out. It's just their poo that smells, not the birds themselves.

    3: I fed layer's mash. It's good! They did fine on it. You can give them basically what you would give chickens, as far as I'm aware.

    4: Here's the thing! I experimented with this. The stereotype is that quail cannot be tamed or trained because they are stupid. I, however, have successfully trained one male to come when I called him and perch on my shoulder when I was feeding the rest. He was my friend called Earnest, and my boyfriend ate him. But, that is not the point - the point is they are VERY easily tamed if you get youngsters, and VERY easily trained - just give them mealworms as rewards (they take some getting used to the mealworms, but they love the when they do). They are not stupid, and I believe they can be great companions especially since their poo is dry and easily cleaned off the carpet.

    5: I only have experience with Japanese/pharoah quail, coturnix japonica. Other quail is beautiful, and I guess similar in temperament, although I loved my white and brown ones.

    6: Yeah, you can breed them, but production quail tend to have the instinct to sit on their eggs bred out of them. They just squat and lay and move on. Ask at the pet shop if they sit - if they don't, it'll be an incubator job I'm afraid. Pet quail do not sell for much, so unless you're thinking of building a huge breeding centre and quality quail for food or pets, don't think you'll make any money.

    8: Yup! They're great with budgies although better in an aviary than a birdcage.

    Another advantage of quail is that they can be kept in quite a small space. And also, you can eat their eggs (yum!)
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