
Quaker Parakeet Question?

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Hi, I hope someone can help. I have a 9 month old Quaker parakeet and he has gone through some feather growing etc but recently he's been scratching his head often especially the left ear area. He doesn't have many feather over his left ear and you can actually see half the ear. Is this normal? I only recently started giving him full baths in a bowl, will this help him with his feather and will more grow in over his ear? Additionally, his feathers on the left side are pretty stiff....




  1. Spring into summer is one of 2 times in the year when birds molt, which might explain the stiff feathers.  He might have pin feathers. The baths will help.

    A feather problem like the one around his ear I have not seen before and feather issues might relate to other issues he is having.  I would schedule a visit to the vet to be sure he's okay.

  2. I think that he could have a rash. and I don't think it is normal that you can see half of the ear. Maybe you should ask your vet.

  3. Sounds like he may have an infection, please take him to a vet. Regular baths are great for feather health and a little aloe, the human kind that you would get at a health food store (important) in the water helps a lot too. Good Luck

  4. Parrots do not normally get mites, fleas, or any of these kind of parasites (unless they are in contact with the outside).

    so i would say that could not be the case but

    try to put more toys in the cage and take him out more he maybe just board mine did that along with her chest the vet said to make sure i allowed her out as much as possible and shower her only 2 times a week so the skin dint get to dry so i did and it worked ... An all-seed diet can also cause feather loss  Vitamin deficiencies can, too.  

    i also changed her diet and gave seed as a treat  cooked her up some eggs and veggies made her happy

    please let me know if this helped any

  5. Well what kind of food are you feeding him? You could go to a pet store, or i even went to wal-mart. And you can get this food where they don't loose feathers. so the stuff is alot easier, beause with my cage. their feathes usually stick to the cage. Try giving him that stuff. If his fethers don't start growning back. then call a vet.

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