
Quaker parrot??

by Guest58520  |  earlier

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ok I have 2 Quaker parrots how can I raise them well I am a first time parrot owner I would appreciate tips they both are 5 months old and one is female and the other is male. Thx




  1. Congratulations! Well I would recommend housing them apart at first, if you can. This way you can bond with each of them and train each of them. It is important to take the bird you are working with to another room where the are no other birds or animals. If you have to house them together now or even eventually make sure they both have enough room to spread their wings without hitting the sides of the cage. They need to fed a pellet diet and fresh veggies and fruit daily. Their water must be changes daily, as well as the food. Since they are young, they do need lots of attention, but it is very important that you don't pay them more attention now, than you can later on because they will develop behavior problems as a result. They need toys and perches of different sizes and textures.  I would also advise you take your babies to an Avian Vet for a check up. I would also start working on the "step-up" command.

  2. Get them out of the cage as much as you can.  Make them step up onto your finger.  You do that by placing your finger on its chest and telling it "step up" Quakers are smart little birds and it will quickly learn what you want.  Talk to them, and make them want to be around you.  They will learn to trust you the more you are around them.

  3. Since they are still babies, you need to handle them as much as possible. Take them out every few hours and pet them, hold them, give them kisses. Let every family memeber handle them so they can get used to different people. Keep them out and let them sit with you where ever you go in your house. Get them used to different places and things so they won't be scared. Be sure to not let them bite or anything or else they will think that's ok and will start doing that more often.

    Hope that helps!
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