
Qualification for Border patrol agent/immigration & customs enforcement under GL/GS5 ?

by Guest59617  |  earlier

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I am a high school grad. I have been working as a public safety ofc for a community college since feb (6months) and have 6 college credits. I am taking classes toward an AA in criminal justice. Does my work experience qualify me under the GL/GS-5 to work for border patrol or customs ?




  1. No, go to usajobs dot gov and look up any federal job you want to read the requierments. To get a GS5 position you need either a BA and it desn't have to be in CJ like many people think. The FBI for example is looking for BA's in accounting, computer science, biology etc. You can combine an AS degree with 2 years of full time work experience but unless you are a sworn LEO (law enforcement officer) those 2 years will not count toward a position like Border Patrole where you are a sworn LEO. You can also do what I did but it doesnt seem like you would, I did my 4 in the USMC and got hiered with Customs. NO collage nothing. I made it to GS 11 and with no school I made more $ than 60% of the people with a masters degree in the US :)

    Military time is looked at as better than a kid with a piece of paper that says they can pass a few tests. You learn life qualities and your life is an open book so they know exactly what there going to get. I have since went to school but thats only due to wanting a position in the GS15 level that requiers a degree for the particular area I am now looking into. The bad thing about criminal justics is that your taught all this BS from a book and to be honest you have to throw every thing you learned out the window as it is a fairy tail of real life things. Take a subject that your interested in and you can get in as an LEO. If music is something you like do that, electronics whatever. CJ is also what we called "the idiots degree" right upthere with psychology as everyone and there mother seems to have one yet they have no job......

    Please dont take what I am saying as being mean. I'm being blunt and factual. 16 weeks in Glenco Georgia is no walk in the park for people who have never served in the military because it's like BC all over again unless you go FBI wich you'll be in Quantico VA and guess who traines you there? Marines. Pick up a 2nd language as well like spanish. Major help for border patrole. You also need to know that there are 2 places you'll be and thats Texas or Maine as those are the areas of need right now. Good luck to you and I hiope you get the job you desier.

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