
Qualifications for a job,why are they needed?

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if i want a job as a pilot for the space shuttle,or to be a brain surgeon i need a high standard of education and intelligence.why are these qualifications not neccessary to run a country?




  1. Well, in our Western democracies at least, that's equivalent to the population as a whole having a vote on who would be the best pilot of the shuttle or the best brain surgeon. Let several million people vote and see who ends up doing the job - the one who promises the most benefits for the most people, regardless of qualifications.

    As for some other countries (Saudi Arabia, or Zimbabwe) it's a case of "I'm the only candidate. Disagree and you die."

  2. It doesn't seem to make a difference.

    Look at George Bush.  He had an excellent education, graduating from Yale, with a degree in History.  But he made a lousy president.

    Look at John McCain, a high school grad.  He went to the Naval Academy where he excelled in wrestling and boxing.  He graduated 894th out of a class of 899.

    Look at Obama who graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

    A president has a chance to be a great president, if he surrounds himself with great people and listens to their advice.  That wouldn't work for a brain surgeon.  So the analogy is imperfect in its statement.

  3. Another point of interest there are those who have great skill with computers and qualify in computer graphics and could create their own currency yet subordinate themselves for pay to someone else. There reamains the question of whether they would wish others to be subordinate either as being so would cut into their capacity not to be subordinated. So then perhaps the skills are such a President is irrelevent.

  4. Leadership is not a qualification that can be studied in a conventional institute of eduaction.

    Intelligence is not a prerequisite for a successful leader either.

    Typically successful people in leadership roles are highly self disciplined. That means a leader will usually be bright enough to have a good education. Actors such as Swarzenegger are a good example of other forms of self discipline.

    Another leadership quality is charisma. Charisma is a gift that people develop outside of an education forum. That's why we get some people thinking physically attractive people such as Belinda Stronach would make a good leader; they mistake looks for charisma.

  5. In a democracy, incompetent people deserve a chance to be represented too. ;)

  6. u dont need that job if u dont know what the requirements are

  7. Because polictics requires a different sort of intelligence, one that can't be studyed.

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