
Qualities of a leader...mind helping me out?

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I've gotta write a speech that needs to be presented at a state conference sometime in tomorrow...and I feel as though this is rushed and B.S.'ed just like everything else I seem to produce in life.

Topic: "Qualities of a Leader."

Qualities/actions mentioned so far:

-declaration of cause

-charisma, and conviction in cause

-communication with others, and an open mind

-the ability to think quickly & arrive at logical decisions

-moral fiber

ANYTHING ELSE?! I don't know how long it even needs to be. Dammmnittt...I need support, yo?!?!?!??!?!!




  1. -creative







  2. L - loving.. if you are a leader you must be affectionate and    lot of concerns to your subordinates

    E- must be loaded with energy of course.. how will you be able to run a group or manage them if you lack this

    A- available, availability, approachable.. being a leader one must be available anytime.. like a doctor always on call, but for leader your always anytime ready for the group and for each member in the group

    D- dedicated..devoted... it means your heart belongs to your group, to what the group may wanted to achieve..and for all the members in the group

    E- earnest being sincere

    R-righteous .. of course you'll be leading a group of people, and you will serve them as their model

    i hope this will give you a little idea

  3. besides the qualities u already listed, how about

    -being there for the followers

    -putting one's agenda aside if the situation requires it (and i don't mean in the way of the NY client 9)


    -have strong values (is that what u meant by moral fiber?)

    -pursuing interests of the followers before his own interests! (not many of them do that,huh?)

    the length, donno  R U introducing? concluding?one of the speakers? what's yr audience? colledge students? reg folks?

    i'd say btwn 6 and 15 mins (15 that's looong!)

    practice in front of the mirrow at LEAST! 4 times

    and beside that go over the main points during the commute.

    from the heart of my sleepy brains... Good luck!

  4. hi here is some stuff that might help but probably not:

    I believe that to command is to serve and only gives one the right to serve.

    A leader, above all things, has to be effective and cannot fall short of being effective or explain ineffectiveness away.

    A friend once told me that life is lived by lots of people. And if you lead, you must either let them get on with it or lead them on with it actively


  5. In sociology the study of leadership sees it as a process that people contribute to, and not just characteristic of a person or leader.  In group functioning, there are 2 main types of leadership required, task and socio emotional.  Sometimes 1 person can contribute to both but often different people have strength more suited to getting the task done, or helping peoples feelings balance out so work can be done.

  6. this is so funny we just went over this in my public policy class. the qualities he gave us were technical competence, so that he knows the job that is being done by his/her employess and rose from that same job then he gets more respect. decisiveness, charisma, engaging others in shared meaning, distinctive voice, integrity and adaptive capacity.  some other comments that stayed with me from the lectures was the quote "leadership is like beauty; it's hard to define, but you know it when you see it" -Warren Bennis.  Another point he made was that "leaders use a compas not a map" so that good leaders travel paths that have yet to be discovered unlike maps which are already traveled.

    hope this helps and good luck.

  7. watch the room spin ,,tell them a leader needs to have the gonads of a politician ,,a deploma in human behavior and a warped sense of humor to stay sane  to  cater to the needs of many..

    im sure you will do fine , you have my support and my admiration . any public speaking i have done i have to imagine them all naked and end up grinning like a right plonker.

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