
Quality Pool Cue???

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I'm trying to find a pool cue for my boyfriend for Chrstmas.. He specifically wants one with a FLAME design.. I've searched and only found two... One made by Viking, One made by Players Cues ... What i need to know is.. are the players cues of good quality?? Anyone out there use them before?? There is a substantial price difference between the viking and the players cue, and I would like to knw if for the less amount would I still be getting a good quality stick??? I I need help with this ASAP.. PLease!!! (Or perhaps you kow of another model with a flame design??)




  1. The Vikings are good quality cues and very much worth their price, though I suggest you checkout this site before you spend that much.

       You should consider a lot more than the design and cost to get the right stick.  How much he plays, weight preference, 1 or 2 shafts, tips, ferruls, joints, wraps.  It's likely he maybe just as pleased with the less costly cue if it's his first.

       Watch how he plays and how he treats the sticks.  Many guys blame the stick when they miss a shot and bang it on the table or any other form of abuse that damages the cue.

    If he is at all aggressive with a cue go with the lower cost cue.

       Salesmen will try to get you spend as much as they can get you to, It's is their business.  You may want to pay more for the status or to impress him.  The decision is up to you, I am only here to try to help you get the most for your money and the gift to please your boyfriend.


  2. viking cues are really good quality... if you want one with like a band name on it go to and click a band, then click pool cues.  they probaly also have one with a flame on it.

  3. Viking is a very high end cue. If you go to Ebay you will be able to find a flame design stick at a reasonable price. Stay away from the cues that go for $10-$20. These are usually flea market type imported cues that are mass produced and will warp in a very short time. You can spend $30-$50 on a cue with a case. Look at Cuetech brand. Also is the flame a big priority for the cue. You can get a reasonable cue for $ 30 and a decent case for $10 that should last him for a couple years until he becomes better or you can afford a cue like Viking or Mc Dermott.


  4. Go to Peradon and Fletcher they do custom cues, My husband gets his from there and my sons, They will do anything u want really nice cues

  5. Since it is his very first cue, go ahead and get a cheap one.  Don't blow a lot of money on something that you aren't sure if he'll like or not.  It takes years of playing with different cues to really know what feels best for each player.  If you find out in a month that the cue you purchased was extremely poor, then you just got a $30 lesson in what you don't want in a pool cue.  No big loss.  Also, if this happens and your boyfriend doesn't like the cue you bought him, don't take it personally.  He'll appreciate your interest in getting him a good cue.  Happy hunting.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  6. Alot of companies out there have flame need to find out the following though re: the cue that your bf wants - weight, 2 pc or 1 pc, does he want a specific length, etc.

    Viking is a good brand...if you wanted to find out more about brands, just go into a billiard supply store and actually talk to the person there and describe what you're looking for, how much u want to spend, etc.  

    You may want to find out all the information just because for mine - I ended up having to customize it somewhat weight and height wise.  I have a Schmelke...

    Also it might be helpful to find out if he wants a wood one or a fiberglass one.

  7. try McDermott cues  they have waht you need ...........of the two you mention the viking is far superior to the ''player"" cue

  8. The best cue is a Schon hands down! get the best deal

  9. Viking is a good production cue and the quality of materials and construction (possibly playability) is far superior  than the Players Cues. Although i've personally had a Players Cue that i used only as a break cue. You can check out multiple websites (azbilliards, in your search engine.

    As a room owner i've had a couple of those "Flame" cues in stock and they sold rather quickly. You can probably type in your search bar for J&J cues, J&S cues or Crystal Leisure and it might bring you a website that will help you find the cue you are looking for. I use Mueller's Catalog to order most of my stock so you might want to type in Mueller in your search bar. They do darts and billiard supplies. I've seen different ones with flames and skulls and Harley stuff. You might also call a local room that sells cues and see if they have any or have a catalog that they would be willing to order one for you.

    Good Luck

    Another suggestion is to look

  10. OK ,,,I have invested a lot of time to find out who has the best stick,,,,and I`t`s MCDERMOTT.   It seems to be well known that Mcdermott is the Cadillac of sticks,,,VERY HIGH QUALITY!     Mcdermott is such a great product that ALL THEIR STICKS HAVE LIFETIME WARRANTY'S!   After learning the facts,,i bought a $350 Mcdermott stick.  It just felt like high quality,,it is fantastic!  Two of my friends who had player sticks have bought themselves a Mcdermott and put the player sticks in the closet!  Once you buy a Mcdermott  you never have to buy another stick in your life,,,Lifetime warranty,,,,What company stands behind their sticks like that?
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