
Quality VS Quantity of Life.?

by  |  earlier

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Some points for arguments for and against each stand please...





  1. Quality is when you take care of your health well, i.e mind what you eat, exercise, live in a clean environment ,watch what you do(behavoir)e.t.c

    Quantity would mean, not minding much about your life/health.i.e, do and eat whatever comes your way like there is no tomorrow.

    This would expose you to SO many problems as you are over working the body systems.

  2. personal opinion true story( mine) self explanatory. in 1975 gave birth to daughter. severe heart defects. by the time she was 3 months old she had undergone 7 open heart surgeries. finally sent home with a "instruction manual"that went from age 3 months to age 10 years.( expected life span if all instructions followed closely.  not to let her cry for more then 10 minutes, not to let her crawl for more then 1/2 an hour. keep in bed 20 out of 24 hours. no stress, no over excitement, no contact with others, no walking more then 100 feet at one time. i decided then and there that i could never follow these "rules" that this was not the life i wanted for her, yes she may live to age 10 but what kind of life? by disreguarding this book i may shorten her life but she will have at least lived it. so out it went. At 5 yrs old she was in kindergarten, taking dance classes, in pee-wee T-ball. ( all with most of her medical history "hidden" at age 6 her doctors said " well you might be able to allow her to go to half a day of school starting next sept. ... and i finally told them the truth . they were astounded and a bit well lets just say upset. at age 18 she graduated h.s. at age 21 she gave birth to her daughter and now at age 32 has 3 children,a full time job and a mom ( me) who is forever grateful that i made the hardest decision of my life when i chose quality over quanity for the life of my daughter.  this may not be exactly what you are looking for but it does show a choice , while she may have only lived 2 years with my choiceshe would have enjoyed those 2 .  she surpassed the dr's predictions so i guess i guessed right when i followed my heart, instincts, faith.

  3. From my point of view, I would like to have my life a quality life. I would like to lead my life healthy and happy.

    But I lost my daughter once. I just wished she could stay with me longer in this life. Now that I already have a son, I don't care if he is a Special Need child. For a wish before he was born, my asking only he is alive, healthy, and happy.

    I would trade anything in my power for his quantity of life (to be by my side and not left behind by my child/ren), while still wish for quality of life... healthy and free from sufferings.  For once, I ran and brought him naked into ICU and it was enough to take me into deep heartache and river of tears.

    If I can ask my daughter, her answer would probably be to stay longer.. I would trade my quantity life for the sake of my children's quality life.

    So, quantity or quality... I don't know.. I can't decide.. I just lay it on God's hand.

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