
Quality teachers,quality education?

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  1. Quality education needs Quality teachers, Quality students and quality infrastructure. any shortcomings in these three factors  affects quality of education.

  2. A quality slogan indeed!

  3. Quality teachers will create a quality education, but there are other factors that can bolster or hinder the education process.  Willingness of students to learn is one.  Funding is another.  NCLB, like it or hate it is another factor that will affect quality education.  School administration will create an atmosphere, either conducive to learning or create rules that will hinder.  So, for a quality education, yes, you need quality teachers, but there are so many other factors to also consider.  Good luck.

  4. Quality teachers certainly help the quality of education.  However, a quality teacher can be hampered by poor-quality facilities, a weak established curriculum, etc.  I also have to wonder how you would define "quality teacher".  Is it only by how enjoyable the class is, credentials, or how?

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