I am taking my GRE Physics subject test in the fall, and I am set for nearly all of the different aspects of the test except Quantum.
I will be taking Quantum in the spring, but other than that, all I have are different quantum stuff was touched upon in Nuclear and AMO, as well as some very intro stuff from Intro Physics and Modern Physics (Basic Schrodinger concepts, Wave + Particle natures of photons, Bound systems and Radioactivity)
All of this contained little math and did not delve very deep into QM.
So my question is, if I want to dedicate 25-30 hours of study to Quantum before my GRE test in the fall, what should I study? These are GRE Multiple Choice problems, so anything too mathematical won't help, but what are the key concept that could be asked on the test? I'll pick up the more difficult math in the spring when I take the actual course.