
Quasimodo decided that he would take on an apprentice to help him ring the bells...?

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He hired a young man who was eager to learn the ropes (ha ha).

"Now we have three bells" Said Quasi, 'The first is called the daughter bell. To ring her all you need to do is gently push her like this." And Quasi gently pushed the daughter bell and she started to ring.

"Let me try" said the apprentice. So he gently pushed the bell and she rang.

"Well done," said Quasi, "The next bell is called the Mother bell. She's bigger and needs some force to make her ring. What you need to do is take a run at her and give her a big push, like this." And Quasi demonstrates ringing the mother bell. The apprentice then also has ago. "Not bad," said Quasi, "You just need a little bit more push. The last bell is the Father Bell, he's a big 'un. To make him ring you need to again to take a long run and hit your face on him at full force." So Quasi demonstrated. "OK" said the apprentice, "I'll have a go." So he took a run and smashed his face on the bell. He cried in pain and fell down the bell shaft. Quasimodo quickly climbed down the shaft and saw the horrendous mess of the poor apprentice lying there dead.

People were all around were shocked and asked Quasimodo who the man was.

"I don't know," replied Quasi, "but his face rings a bell."




  1. good one  

  2. Very cleverly worded, and hilarious too, nice one...!

  3. wahhhh soooo funny,,, is this a cheering up joke because it cheered me up, thnx very much, keep typing hilarious/funny jokes... please

  4. so funny

  5. Hahahahahaha!!!  I like that...good one

  6. i love irony jokes but this one just didnt really make me laugh... sorry

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