
Queen.... Boverred??

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Is the Queen, the slightest bit boverred anyway about the BBC??




  1. No I should't think so. But it just goes to show how left wing the BBC are. The guy in charge should be fired!

  2. Is this how you kids are spelling 'bothered' these days? How quaint...

  3. Not at all amused. She comands a higher respect than those grovelling self-serving excuses for humans. Respect for the Queen and monarchy are paramount to the symbol of the UK. They serve a greater purpose than those apologists or any one else who seems to beleive it is their right to pour scourn on our heritage. Let them grovel at the feet of imbeciles, who want to turn our country into a republic.

  4. She is not boverred about anything, or anyone other than living the good life, while others go without

  5. BBC, boverred? Face, bovverred? Does she look boverred? Yeh, but, no, but . . . nah, not boverred!

  6. I wouldn't think so, would you be???

  7. Not at all, but it seems to me they should be made to do more than give a grudging apology. A sizeable donation to a charity might teach them to think and get the facts right.

  8. Julia B,yes it is a term we use when we say how much we don't care about americans.We can and will do exactly what we like with our own language and other countries that adopt it as theirs may not.

  9. Nope coz shes good like that. I do think the BBC should grovel a bit, since it was mis-representing her.

    Some of her kids should deal with matters like her. Anne I like also, she carries on proper also.

    As for who takes over, if they take her as an example they can't go wrong. I would have a preference for William though, sorry thats just me.

    I do feel for her when Phillip puts his foot in it though, he's said some right howlers over the years. It's a bit like Richard and Judy, she puts up with sillyness from him also.

  10. Nah, the toadying twerps they are..

  11. If she is, she's too much of a lady to say so.

  12. What is boverred?  Is it British slang for something?

  13. No way...Imagine the Queen watching little Britain "Am i boverred?" Brilliant show =}

  14. no. but her staff are.
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