
Queen urges caring for the needy - have the rich any moral authority to dictate to the less wealthy?

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It seems to me to be totally bizzare for somone who is richer than me wants to tell me what to do with my money (what little I have).

I think the rich can start suggesting what I should do with my money, when they have given away so much of theirs that they have the same amount as me. This goes for mega-wealthy popstars too.

I don't recall Bill Gates telling me what to do with my money, he seems to whole hearttedly put his own money towards the causes he supports - shouldn't the other wealthy folks follow his example?




  1. While I'm a bit of a Royalist, I too thought that was a bit rich coming from her Majesty, especially when there are so many rich fleecers who have been knighted by her who seem to contribute very little to society.

  2. the queen and the whole of the " royalty" are just relics of the past and really not to be taken seriously!

    From an Australian- Long live a free Australia!

  3. There are others who do.  Angelina Jolie, BONO, Princess Diana, and many others.  There was a list at one time of those with big bucks who gave and what they gave to.  I don't agree with Oprah Winfreys building that school in Africa and stamping HER name on it.  If she was helping  for the right reason then yes.  But it's a self serving, make me immortal, I want MY name on it gesture.  She could have built it and and been modest about doing so.  There is only one Mary McCleod Bethune and the circumstances were certainly quite different.

  4. Well put!! If she started paying into funds you could guarantee that indirectly it would come from us anyway!!Bill Gates top man! i hadn't realised what you pointed out there.

  5. well said

    also when you have lots of money you get given gifts, from sponsers and other sources, its very rare that the mega rich become poor look at donald trump he became bankrupt yet he is a billionare

    and what makes me angry is that the government lie about statistics

    and im sick of working evey hour of the day to pay my bills and have nothing at the end of the month to show for it, i might treat myself to a bottle of wine and thats about it

  6. you have a point, why cant they help rather than dictate, if i had that amount of money i would feel guilty!!! its sickening how we live in these classes especially in this day and age!

  7. I would support good causes but I unwillingly donate so much of my cash to the pocket of our delightful monarchy that I don't have much going spare.

  8. No one is telling you what to do with your money.  This isn't a new law or a dictate, nor is it meant to apply to every area of yoru life; it's just a suggestion, an inspirational message.

    The Queen is just urging that those who HAVE should help those who HAVE NOT.  How much you give, and how you give it, is entirely up to.  If you are yourself a have-not, then you are not expected to give.

  9. I refused to listen to her insincere comments she's a hypocrite.

  10. Yes, I think you have hit the nail on the head. : )

    I do what I can to help who I can, even if it means going without to achieve this. But I do find it strange that the wealthy might donate money, but never enough to make a dent in their fortune. And it is a bit rich, sorry about the pun, for the rich to dictate to those with much less than themselves, to give to charity.


  11. The Queen is our Head of State.

    It is her job to say these things.

    She is most likely the most qualified person in this country to show such care.

    When you have served the country for such a long time, given yout life for the benifit of it, I still would not listen to this pathetic carping.

    None of the folk here does one tenth of the work of any member of the firm.

    Since you lot have allowed the Country to be given to the new French Empire, it is irrelevant to consider what the Queen says anyway.

    The Civil List pays the Queen and Duke only

    The civil list (government payments to Buckingham Palace and the royal family) now costs the British taxpayer about £8.1 million each year. Total published payments to the head of state are about £35 million. This figure includes payments for items such as property maintenance and travel.

    The Crown Estate pays into the Revenue, from which we benifit £200.000.000 per year

    That I call a bargain.

    dont you

    You may not have noticed that we are 165 miilion up on the deal.

  12. Absolutely not, I find it both patronising and ignorant. I am sure many rich folk give to charity as a matter of conscience and do so discreetly, good on them. Is easy to give when one has plenty. I know the Crown has no say in how this country is run but if she had slanted her speech more towards governments failure in tackling the issues of poverty that exist in this country her comments would have been more favourably received. Same goes for all the wealthy people, it is not enough to throw money at a "problem", they should also put their efforts into getting rid of it.

    Hope everyone had a good Christmas, best wishes to all for 2008 x

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